caught red handed?

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Author's pov:

"NISHTHAAA"  a loud scream came to them and their moments halted
They turned their head towards the voice and gasped in Shock

Their families were standing right in front of them

And they were caught...

" get out from that car" her elder brother, raj snarled

With trembling hands,they opened the door and stepped out and


She got a loud slap from her brother.tears started flowing from her eyes as her pain stinged on her cheeks

Reyansh quickly escaped the hold of his father and mother,who were as much  angry on him

"Don't you dare touch her,you better talk to me" he screamed at him but Nishtha's father was quick to hold him and pushed him away

"Tune meri behen ko phasaya na? She was happy on her own until you played your dirty tricks didn't you?" Raj held his collar and punched him hard on his stomach

"I am sure he wasn't even interested in her. She must have lured him" Reyansh's mother came in between and accused nishtha

"Nishtha tell me what's going on" her other asked nishtha who was silently weeping

"I want to hear from you" she continued asking her

"Do you like him?" She asked

Nishtha remained quiet and kept crying hanging her head low.She didn't said anything.all of them were waiting for her answer but she did not utter a word

"Nishtha,tell them we love each other" reyansh said hoping that she might be feeling nervous around her family

But still,she was quiet

"Shutup you bastard or I will kill you I swear" raj punch on his ounce of blood came from his nose but he didn't care about that at all.he just wanted to hear from her

"See,she's not saying anything.I know my daughter can't do anything like this.ab apni shakal gayab karo yaha se" her dad stepped forward and pushed away reyansh.

"Tumhe darne ki zaroorat nahi hai nish, mai hu tumhare sath" he said again

Tears of guilt guilt were continuously flowing through her.she was in a dilemma
As soon as she held her head high,her eyes met with him

A desire of love and longing went through her when she saw him in this state

And then,she yanked off her hands from her mother and started running towards him and stopped him infront of him
Within seconds,she embraced him in a tight hug and started caressing his wounds.

Her family was shocked to the core
They couldn't believe that she could go against them just for a mere common boy
Range,anger and hurt was clearly showing on her family's face

It was that moment When the love,care and protectiveness they had for nishtha,faded It's replaced with hurt,anger and extreme rage.

Her elder brother went forward and separated both of them and dragged nishtha by holding her hairs tightly.

Reyansh's situation was nonetheless.his parents forcibly took him away to their home.

They never thought the day which went so perfect, full of fun,laughter and fun will come to an end like a horrible night like this

It was indeed a long night for them,
In Nishtha's home,her family were discussing to wed her off as soon as possible because if it becomes the talk of the town,it will be difficult for her get an alliance

The same night her parents barged into her room and saw her crying while sitting in the balcony

"You broke our trust nishtha,you let our head down in front of others.we can't see you here anymore" her father said
Sympathy was the last thing they had for her.even after violating her brutally they didn't care how was She.

"So we decided to wed you off tomorrow night.the boy is rich,and he will keep you happy"

"It's ajay,my friend's son" the moment her father blurted out the truth,she looked at him Shockingly.he was 14 years older than her.

He quickly went towards her father and held  his legs,begging for forgiveness

"Please, I love Reyansh.I Don't want to marry anyone beside him,he can keep me happy too,dad" she pleaded

She recieved another slap from her mother

"Shame on you.standing against your own parents just for that poor boy?" She pushed her away and left from there.

It was past midnight now.
She was sitting on her bed quietly
She wanted to scream her heart out but she couldn't.
She wanted to kill herself but she couldn't
She wanted to see reyansh but she couldn't

Suddenly,she felt some movements on her balcony.
She saw a shadow of a man
It didn't take a second for her to realise that it's none other than her man
She ran towards the balcony and saw him struggling to move as his stomach was injured because of the beating
His face was full of wounds and blood

She cried seeing him in this state

She went near him and touched his wound near his lips.she slowly placed a chaste kiss and he groaned

"Take Me away from here please" she said and wrapped her hands around him

"Of course,time to execute our ready tomorrow" he replied

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