silence before the storm?

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Nishtha's pov:

It's been three days since we arrived here.we didn't went anywhere or explored the place.rather,we were busy exploring each other
Not that I complain but after procrastinating for days we finally agreed to go out.

It's our last night tonight as we are flying back home tomorrow morning
Reasons are simple,I have to continue my studies and he has to go on a business trip.

So we decided to go meet in a bar because planning the whole date will take up our time and we don't want that

I dressed myself in most revealing dress I ever had.
He texted me that he's already there so I better hurry up

Reyansh's pov:

I was waiting for her since 15 minutes and she still didn't showed up,moreover I'm getting extremely bored of the looks I'm getting from these girls

Just then a group entered,catching my attention.they were two boys and two girls.they look young,how can they even be out of their house at this hour?
They composed a table near mine and started chit chatting.

Although it was wrong to eavesdrop them but I was really curious to know about their conversation

"I think he was a mafia,for sure.I'm going to spy on him" one of the girl said
"Natalia,they are not normal human.stop your crazy thoughts right now" a boy interfered
"But I want to know why everyone was trying to kill him and why did he saved me from them even though he was injured like a maniac" the girl whose name was natalia I guess,she said

I heard a deep chuckle from across my table and my eyes narrowed at a man who was sitting alone,smiled
He gulped the drink in one go and smiled,listening to their conversation

Why is he listening all this?
Is he a spy or something?
What's happening here?

They stood up and Went towards the dance floor and a man who looks like a creep tried to come closer to that 'natalia' girl.he was trying to go as close to her as possible and I heard an arrogant grovelling sound.
The man sitting on the table,stood up and removed his gun as if It's a kind of toy

But instead of doi g something,he exits the bar,and kept standing outside

Such a weird place this is

"Can you help me please?" I heard a feminine voice and I turned around to see a girl,who was nervous and scared
She had a big,beautiful eyes which were scanning around the people
Maybe she was looking for someone?

"Yes?" I asked

"My friends are not here,yet.and i've never been to such kind of places.could you accompany me?" She asked

Okay if someone is asking for a help. I'm surely not going to deny.moreover It's taking alot of time to I'm free till then

"Yeah sure,why not" I accepted

"So,can we just have a dance?" She asked again

"Uhh- okay" I was getting bored anyways,
I Went towards the dance floor so did she
We both danced on the tune separately till the dj decided to play a romantic song

I awkwardly looked at the girl and she slowly placed her hands on my shoulder, tuning to the beat.

She closed her eyes and was lost in herself.and then she started coming closer to close that I can feel her heart thumping loudly
Before I could say that I'm married and waiting for my wife to arrive

I saw nishtha giving death glares to us


I left that girl in the middle of the dance floor and quickly ran towards her

She was leaving angrily and I know I'm going to face her worst wrath

One thing that she doesn't compromise is sharing her favourite with any other

I held her by her arm and stopped her from going further

"I'm sorry I disturbed you,you were having a good time.weren't you?" She was clearly pissed at me

"It's not what you think,actual-"

"I don't want to listen" she cuts me off and headed inside the elevator

I placed my hand on her waist firmly and pinned her towards the corner
Her eyes dilated at my actions and I know what was coming .so I immediately sealed her lips with mine
She was still protesting against my actions.I held her jaw tightly and and made her open her mouth
The fiery little witch finally gave in and pulled my hair aggressively

The elevator stopped and we slowly moved from our place,still eating each other out

We paid no attention whether we have an audience  or not.the place was quiet and silent so it must be safe,but who cares? Let them have a show

"Damn it"
I cursed when the door of our room wasn't opening.after struggling for forty five seconds,I managed to open the door

"Ask me to say those words" I inhaled deeply after our make out session

"Say those words" She repeated looking into my eyes

"I'm yours forever" I took her in my arms and placed her on our bed

"We've to catch our flight" she said

"How much time is left?" I groaned

"1 hour" she replied

"Enough for multiple rounds" I said and started doing the deed

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