'i trust you'

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"Her parents wedded her off just Because you have tons of money.You forgot what happened with you?"

Reyansh's pov:
"Mom whatever you said might be true and might be not,i'll not blame her un necessarily.and all of you knows why I married her.so don't start again. " I scoffed and tried to walk away but it's my mom we're talking about,she can manipulate you however she wants and that's what she has been doing to me for years.
Hours went by, I was in my office working on my new project.I was looking back and froth at the clock waiting for the time to go just a bit fast.I don't know why but I want to see her.
and it was finally her time to be back.I quickly wrapped up my work and went to her college.

As I was waiting for her,she was finally in my sight but she wasn't alone,I consider.she was walking along with a boy.i'm glad she made friend here,as long as she's comfortable with them,I don't have any problem.because I know the situation in which she is in,she needs someone to talk to and i'm the last person she's going to tell.I know she's not ready to accept this marriage this early. but she has no other choice rather than keeping quiet and accepting this.

"Reyansh...you are.." She stuttered and I sighed.
"Yeah,i'm here to pick you up,get in" I said.I hate how we can't communicate without any hesitation.I stopped my car at the nearby cafe as I have to talk something about her.

"Are we-- going in?" She asked meekly. As far as I knew her she was never a stuttering person,then why is she so scared now?

I sighed and murmured a 'yes'

She stood near the entrance of that cafe and waited as I was parking my car.
We both went inside and placed our order.I cleared my throat and I asked

"Are you scared of me?"

"W-what?" She asked

"Why are you stuttering nishtha?why are you so much scared of everyone? " I sighed

The waiter arrived and we both placed our order amd she started looking hesitant and stared out through the glass.

"Nishtha,I know you're new to this environment and relationship but there's nothing to be scared of.i'm there."

Nishtha's pov:

"Nishtha,I know you're new to this environment and relationship but there's nothing to be scared of.i'm there."he said
He thinks i'm behaving like this because of this newness?does he really have no idea what happened with me?does he not know how I was forced in this marriage? And how is he so calm about this topic? Isn't he himself forced? Or does he already have a love interest outside?
A sort of guilt rushed inside me and a lone tear escaped through my eyes.
Suddenly, I felt a warm and soothing touch on my hand.it was his.he slightly squeezed my hand and placed his finger under my chin and slowly made me look into his eyes.

" if anything happens you tell me.if someone says anything bad to you,you tell me.if someone criticizes you,you tell me,if someone makes you feel uncomfortable you come to me.i won't let you feel insecure because of my family."

People say gentlemen are raised by a queen.his mother is anything near that.the words he said just now hits my heart harder each time.so rapid that I want him to repeat those words again and again until all of my insecurities goes away.

We were lost in each other,string into one's soul with our eyes.this was the moment where I felt someone actually cares for me in these months.someone genuinely wants me to be myself.but then again my heart has banned these kind of emotions from humans.and that's why I won't trust him that easily.because I have met people,knew them had a good bond with them and then they show their true colours.I know about people More than I should.and I know how all of this ends.

they change.
they hurt.
And then,
They leave

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