Chapter 3 - Classes

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Galaxy's P.O.V.

I woke up the next day and got dressed. I walked over to Bella's bed and shook her awake. "Yes." Bella said tiredly. "Today we have classes. So get up and get dressed for breakfast." I said and she got up. After she got dressed we walked downstairs to the common room where Lucius, Crabbe, Goyle, Nott and Zabini were waiting. Lucius was the first to see us and hugged me and nodded at Bella.

We walked all the way to the hall and sat down at our table eating our breakfast. "Alex. Your brother is staring at you." Bella said and I looked to see my brother was indeed staring at me. I glare at him and he turns away. Soon I see the owls appear and drop letter's from parents. I got mine and so does the others. I look over at my brother and see he's got a howler. "Everyone look. Sirius got a howler." A boy from the Gryffindor table yells and everyone turns to Sirius who looks terrified.

Sirius opens it and all you can hear is Mrs. Black's voice yell in the hall. "SIRIUS ORION BLACK!!!" Mother's voice yells. After she yells my brother's name she explains(more like yells) that he's going to be disgrace if he doesn't become friends with a pureblood's. When the howler was finished it tore itself up and everyone was quiet. Sirius looks to me and I look at him with an innocent look.

Soon everyone went back to eating or talking with their friends. "Do you think your brother is going to do what your mother wants?" Lucius asks me. "Nope." I said. "How do you know?" Bella asks. "He has the tendency to not follow rules. So it's what gets him in trouble." I said and we all got up to go to our first class which was potions. I sat next Bella who was glad I was her partner because I'm good at potions and she sucks.

The teacher started talking and told us to make a potion and it had to be done before class ended. Soon class was over and I walked out and I accidentally bumped into someone. "Sorry." The kid mumbled and I looked up to see boy. "It's okay. I'm Galaxy Black you are?" I ask holding out my hand.

"I'm Severus Snape. Nice to meet you Galaxy." Severus said shaking my hand. I look at what drew and see its Voldemort's sign for loyal followers. I look at him in awe and surprised. "You want to follow Voldemort?" I ask. "Uh yeah. I like to see mudblood's die." Severus said.

"Come with me and meet my friends. We all are followers of Voldemort." I said and grabbed his hand taking him with me to where Bella and the others were. "Bella, this is Severus Snape he's also a follower of Voldemort." I said and she nods because she approves. "Hang out with us. We'll teach you all we know." Bella said and Severus nodded. "You have any mudblood friends or halfbreeds as friends." I ask. "Yeah a mudblood, her name is Lily. But know that I found you guys I'll tell her we can't be friends. Be right back." Severus said and walked away.

"I like him." Bella said but I didn't hear her. "Alex. Alex. ALEX!!" Bella yells and I look to her. "Hmm." I said looking to my cousin. "Did you hear what I said?" Bella asks. "No." I said. "I said I like him. He's the perfect addition. Even though he's a half-blood." Bella said. "Did you see his drawing it looks exactly like Lord Voldemort's sign." I said and she nods. "Wait do you like him?" Lucius asks. "No." I said. "Sure." Bella said winking and we walked to our next class. I was thinking to myself 'do I like Severus'?.

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