Chapter 7 - Meeting The Others

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--->Severus's bedroom-->(gothic style)

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--->Severus's bedroom-->(gothic style)

Galaxy's P.O.V.

It was the next day and I woke up and got changed. I walked downstairs to the kitchen where mother, father, Reggie, and Sirius were. "Hello, mother. Hello, father. Good morning brothers." I said kissing my parents cheek. "Good morning dear. Do you mind going to wake up our guest?" Mother asks. "Of course, be right back." I said but not before hearing Sirius say. "We have a guest?" He asks confused.

I walk up the stairs to my boyfriend's room and knock on it. I didn't hear a response so I open the door and see he's still asleep. I walk towards the bed and shake him softly. "Babe." I said. "Hmm." I hear him say. "My mother wants you to come downstairs and eat breakfast with us." I said softly. "Okay. Tell her I'll be down." He said getting up to change and I walk downstairs. I walk in the kitchen and mother looks at me. "He's getting change." I said and she nods. 

Soon the door opens to reveal my boyfriend. "Oh HELL NO!!" I hear Sirius yells. I  smirk and so does Reggie. "What's wrong dear?" Mother asks. "Why is she dating tha- I mean why is she dating a half-breed?" Sirius asks. "He's a follower to Lord Voldemort so he's okay in my book." Father said. "And mine." Mother said. Severus walks around the table and sits next to me. "Sleep well?" Mother asks Severus. "Yes, very well Mrs. Black. How about the rest of you?" Severus asks. 

"I slept dear and please call me Walburga or mom." Mother said and myself, Reggie, Sirius and Severus all looked at her shocked. "I slept very well, Severus." Father said. "Hey mom." I said. "Yes dear?" Mom asks. "Can I take Severus out and meet the others?" I ask. "Of course." Mother said. "Thank you." I said. I got up and Severus did too. "Bye mom. Bye dad. See you later." I said walking out of the house. We soon meet the others and I ran up to hug Bella. 

"Hey you two lovebirds. How's it going?" Bella asks. "He's living with my family now after we killed his parents." I said. "Wait how'd you kill his parents if the Trace is on your wand." Zabini asks. "Dad went to the Ministry and took it off. And it was for the Dark Lord. Look he also gave us the dark mark." I said showing her my arm. "I'm jealous. Do you think I can get one this early?" Bella asks. "I can talk to my dad and ask." I said. "Okay." Bella said. We soon started shopping. Myself and Bella went off to buy girl things while the boys went off to buy themselves things.

When we were done shopping we went to a wizard shop to eat. We sat in the back corner and ate. "So hows your summers going?" I ask. "I found out I'm getting married." Lucius said and I look to him. "Do you know who?" I ask. "Yeah Bella's sister, Narcissa." Lucius said and my mouth just drops. Its because he told me has a crush on her.

"What about you Bella?" I ask. "Father told me I'm marrying Rodolphus Lestrange. I only want to marry him because of his status." Bella said and I hugged her. "Crabbe, Goyle, Nott and Zabini. What about you guys. Is your summer going okay?" I ask. "Yes." They all say together. 

"I'll be back right back." Severus said kissing my cheek and leaving the table. "So, Alex how is your summer going? Since you know Severus lives with you?" Bella and Lucius ask. "You know very good because me and Severus has had sex a few times. We've been fucking a lot." I said and every single one of their eyes went wide. I just laugh and that got them out of their shocked state."We didn't need to know that, Alex." Bella said. "Well you asked how was my summer. So I told you what I've been doing all summer." I said.

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