Chapter 12 - Telling The Others And A Mysterious Illness

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->Galaxy's engagement ring--->

->Galaxy's engagement ring--->

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Galaxy's P.O.V.

Myself and Severus were walking hand in hand heading towards the Slytherin Common Room. When we got there the picture asked for the password. "Pureblood." I said and it opens and we walk in to see the others. I beckon for Bella, Narcissa and Andromeda to follow me.

We walked towards mine and Bella's room. They sat down, Bella next to me and the other two on Bella's bed. "What's wrong, Alex?" Andromeda asks. "Well I met Severus in the Astronomy Tower and he asked me to marry him." I said not meeting their eyes. All of a sudden I hear them squeal loudly. "Oh my god. Congratulations! Let us see the ring." Narcissa said and I handed them my hand to show them.

"I like it. It's so beautiful." All three of them say. "Who helped him?" Andromeda asks. "Professor Slughorn and the boys. Plus he asked mother. I bet Sirius and his friend heard because I saw and heard the door close and open." I answered.

"I think he's angry because he doesn't like you two together. And it's cool because he respects your mother because he asked her. I think you have to send a letter to your mother she'll want to know how it went." Cissy said and I nod. I got up and grabbed a piece of parchment and pen to write.

Dear mother,

​​​​​​        I know you have been waiting for this letter. And I know Sev already told you but thank you for saying yes. He asked me to marry me and I said yes!!! He asked me in the Astronomy Tower and it had rose petals🌹🌹🌹🌹 on the ground and he stood in a big circle around it. It was like a dream and a fantasy at the same time. Of course I said yes. I just wish father was able to answer the question. I told Andromeda, Bellatrix and Narcissa. Sev had Professor Slughorn and the boys help with everything.

With lots of love

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