Chapter 20 - The First Steps And The Wedding

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^^^Galaxy's dress^^^^^

Galaxy's P.O.V.

We just got back from mother's funeral and I walk to the kitchen. I sit down and put my head in my hands. I feel my fiance's hands go around my shoulders. "Its okay she's joined your father now." He said in a whisper. Soon the kitchen door opens to reveal Reggie. "You got to come see this." He said pointing behind him and we run after him to the living room.

We see that Cassie, Cosmos and Cyrus are all trying to stand. I gasp and everyone turns to me. Soon Cosmos got on his feet and started to walk. He walked towards me and I picked him up. "Oh my god baby you did it." I exclaim and he smiles. I look back over to see Cyrus walking towards Reggie who picked him up. When I look back over I see Cassie walking over towards Severus who gladly picked her up.

"They all started walking." I said putting Cosmos on the floor who walked around. "They are getting so big." Bella said and I nod. "Mother would love this. She would cherish it forever." Reggie said. Before I can talk I hear a knock on the door. I looked at the others confused. "Are you expecting company?" Zabini asks. "No." I said walking towards the front door. I open it to reveal my brother and before I can close the door he puts his foot in the doorway.

I hear the others coming but I paid them no attention only glaring at my brother. "What are you doing here?" Bella sneers and I see him step back. I smirk because he's scared of Bella. "I heard what happened to mother so I came here to apologize." He said and I'm confused along with the others. "For what?" Narcissa asks. "Everything." He said and I'm still confused. "Mama!!" I hear Cyrus yell and I see him run towards me.

I pick him up and he hugs me giving me a kiss on my cheek. "He's walking." Sirius stated in surprise. "Yes. Him and the other two started walking this morning." I said. "Who dat?" Cyrus asks pointing at my brother. "He's my twin. Like Cassie and Cosmos are yours. But he was kicked out because of a stupid thing he did." I said glaring at my brother. "What he do?" Cassie asks and I look at her and she's in Severus's arms.

"I'll tell you three when you're older. Okay?" I ask and they nod. "So he like uncle Weggie?" Cyrus asks. "Yes he's your uncle because he's mine and uncle Weggie's older brother. And my twin." I answered and they nod.


It was the day of my wedding and I was sitting in the room while Bella and Cissy get me ready(more like Narcissa while Bella points out what she's doing wrong). I was nervous and I feel Bella putting her hand on my shoulders. "Its okay, Alex. You'll be fine." She reassured me and I calm down. "And done." Cissy said stepping back to admire her work. I look in the big mirror in the room and I gasp.

The door is knocked on and Bella goes to get it. It opens to reveal Reggie who looked at me shocked. "Wow, sis you look beautiful and great." He said and I smile. "Thank you baby brother. Do you want to walk me down the isle?" I ask. "I thought you'd never ask." He said. "Well its almost time. We need to get in positions." Daria said walking in the room. She gasps and puts her hands over her mouth. "Oh my god, you look beautiful." She said.

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