Chapter 16 - Finally Home And Nine Months Later

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Galaxy's P

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Galaxy's P.O.V.

When we got home we all walked into the house to the kitchen where the house elves were. We sat down with Sev next to me.

"How do you feel, sweetie?" Mother asks. "I feel fine. Throwing up almost every thirty minutes." I said. "When I was pregnant with you and Sirius I had to throw up every ten minutes. It was awful." Mother said and I nod. "Here's your food, Mistress Black." Kreacher said giving mother her food while the other house elves gave us our food.

"So let's start planning your wedding." Mother said. "Mother, Narcissa is already planning our wedding. But you can help if you want." I said and I heard a whoosh from the living room. Soon the door opens to reveal Narcissa, Bella, aunt Druella and uncle Cygnus.

"Aunt Druella!! Uncle Cygnus!!! Bella!! Cissy!!!" I exclaim. "Hello dear. How are you?" Aunt Druella asks. "Oh I'm okay." I said as they sat down. "So this is the man who stole my niece's heart. Tell me boy what is your status?" Uncle Cygnus asks and everyone groans. But before anyone can say a word the door opens to reveal Lord Voldemort.

"My Lord." I say bowing to him. "Ah, Galaxy. I heard of your engagement and your pregnancy. How you feeling?" Lord Voldemort asks. "I'm okay my Lord." I say bowing.

"But to answer your question uncle. He's a half-blood and a follower to Lord Voldemort." I said sassily. "Narcissa dear, may I help you with the planning for the wedding?" Mother asks. "Of course auntie. Mother is also helping. My first question is do you want season do you want your wedding in?" Narcissa asks us. I look to Sev who looked to me with a knowing look because we talked about this after a year we started dating.

"We talked about it and we want a winter wedding." I said and she nods writing it down in her book. "What color do you want the men to wear." A mix between black and dark blue." Sev answers as they write it down. "Before anymore questions, Galaxy do you want to ask your mother something?" Bella speaks up. All the adults turn to us.

"Is it possible to keep my last name and add Sev's last name? Like Galaxy and Severus Black-Snape?" I ask. The adults all looked to one another and it looked like they were silently talking to each other.

"It's never heard of before. But I'll allow it. I mean it's amazing that you want to keep your last name and add Severus's last name to yours." Mother said. "Thanks mommy. I was too scared to ask because I don't know if someone ever done it before. Also were is Andromeda?" I ask.

"We don't know. We came here looking for her." Aunt Druella said. "No we haven't seen her since we left the train." I said. "Oh, we're just worried because she's been disappearing a lot lately." Cygnus said.

*Skip seven months(she's on her ninth month)*

I was nine months pregnant with triplets and I was sitting with mother in the kitchen talking about girl things when I felt something wet going down my leg. I look down and cry out. "What's wrong!?!?" Mother exclaims. "My water broke." I exclaim and she gets up carrying me. "Regulus send a letter Severus because your sisters water broke!!! And hurry!!" Mother yells and I hear a 'ok'. 

We soon get to St. Mungos and I'm put on a bed. And wheeled to a room. "Dear do you want anyone in the room with you?" A nurse asks me. "My mother, brother and fiance." I say trying to stay calm. "Well send your fiance in he gets here. Mrs. Back your daughters wants you and her brother in here." A nurse said and soon I felt a hand on my right hand.

"It's okay baby." Mother said she squeezes my hand. "Ms. Black. I need you to drink this to calm your nerves." A nurse said handing me a calming drout. I take it and it calms me down. "Mother did you send an owl to aunt Druella, uncle Cygnus, Cissy and Bella?" I ask. "Yes baby. They'll be here soon." Mother said. 

The door to the room I'm in opens and I see my fiance. I reach my other hand out and he takes it. He pets my head and soothes me a little. "Ms. Black you are going to push soon. And I'm not going to lie. It'll hurt a little." The doctor said and I nod not finding words.

"AHHHHHHH!!!!" I yell while crying. "The baby is coming. Ms. Black I'm gonna need you to push as hard as you can." The doctor said and I do so still yelling out. Soon I hear crying and I look to see a baby in one of the nurses arm. "It's a girl. What's her name?" The nurse asks. "Cassiopeia Galaxy Black-Snape." Severus answers.

"That's very beautiful." Mother and the nurse said. I smile weakly since I'm tired after giving birth to my daughter. Soon I felt pain again and the nurse handed Cassiopeia to my mother. "AHHHHHHH!!" I yell out. "I need you to do the same thing Ms. Black. I need you to push as hard as you can." The doctor said and I did so.

I hear another cry and someone coos. "It's a boy. What's his name?" The nurse asks. "Cosmos Severus Black-Snape." I answer and I can tell Severus turned to me. "It's beautiful." Mother said. "Reggie hold your nephew." I see the nurse hand my brother my second child.

I soon felt pain for the third time and I cry out. "AHHHHHHH!!!" I yell louder than I did before the first time. Soon I hear another cry and I look to see my third baby. "It's another boy. What's his name?" The nurse asks for the final time.

"Cyrus Regulus-Orion Black-Snape." Myself and Severus say together but me more weak. I hear a gasp and I look to see Reggie looking at both of us. "You named your son after me?" He asks. "Yes. I didn't want to name him after Sirius. And we decided to name him after father too." I said and I hear mother cry a little.

"Do you have godparents for the little ones." A nurse asks with a clipboard. "Yes for Cassiopeia. Her godparents will be Narcissa black and Lucius Malfoy. For Cosmos his godparents will be my brother, Regulus and my cousin, Bellatrix. And for Cyrus's godparents will be Perseus and Daria Parkinson." I said.

"Okay thank you. When you are feeling better, you'll be able to go back home." The nurse said leaving. "Mom, can the others come in now?" I ask sitting up in the bed. "Of course be right back." She said getting up. 

Soon she comes back with Cissy, Bella, Lucius, aunt Druella, uncle Cygnus, Perseus and Daria Parkinson. "Hey Alex how do you feel?" Lucius asks. "Like crap. Cissy when you have your little one. It's feel like the crucio curse." I said eyeing Cissy who was seven months pregnant.

Everyone laughs and Bella comes over to hug me. "What did you name them?" Bella asks me as uncle Cygnus adds chairs for everyone. Mother hands me Cassiopeia and everyone awes. "This is Cassiopeia Galaxy Black-Snape. My first born." I said and handed her to Bella who begged to be the first one to hold her. "Who are her godparents?" Perseus asks.

"Cass's godparents are, Narcissa and Lucius." I said and heard them gasp. "You picked us. Why?" Narcissa asks. "You are my most trusted friends so I picked you guys. Besides Bella of course." I said.

Soon Cass was back in mother's arms. Reggie walked over to hand me Cosmos. "This is Cosmos Severus Black-Snape. My second born. His godparents are Reggie and Bella." I said and Bella quietly cheers. "Thank you cousin." Bella said and I smile at her.

After everyone held her she was back in Reggie's arms. Severus handed me Cyrus. "This is Cyrus Regulus Orion Black-Snape. I know long name. And his godparents are Perseus and Daria." I said and they gasp. "Thank Lex." They said and I smile at them.


Cassiopeia's name means a Greek god or 'cassia juice'.

Cosmos' name means 'universe'.

Cyrus's name means 'Sun'.

Perseus and Daria Parkinson are Pansy Parkinson parents. I looked it up a first it didn't give me a name but I scrolled down and found it.

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