ch. 1 sleepover with a vampire

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"Whatever you do, don't go to the in the woods behind the church! "My grandmother would tell me very Sunday, before church. See, she worked and lived at the church, it was her life. I was glad to see my grandmother every Sunday until December 18 2013. On that day my grandmother, the sadness in her eyes was enough to send demons to tears. After that day my life also became about the church. My grandmother show me all the ways to be thankful to god. Something I would one day forget.

As I was studying in the church library one day I came across a very strange book. There was no title, no pictures, only a horrible tail of a vampire. Upon reading the book I found myself afraid and amazed. Why was this book here? I continued to read the book it claimed that the vampire was thought to be the first. This vampire had eaten and killed untellable amount of men, he was a war god. A king in his own land, he would get bored of peace and travel to new land just to start war. He enjoy it so much that he even travel across the great oceans just to start a war in the United States. The history of the vampire ended with the capture of him by a priest of this very church in 1896. The book then list ways they tried to kill this vampire. Cutting his head, setting him on fire, a stake though the heart, a bath in holly water, the list continued on for 20 pages. However on the very last page it readies "killing the vampire was hopeless, the only way to keep him from hurting others was to keep him bound to the trees in the woods. This area could only then be enter by someone of the church fa. The page was torn after that.

My mind swarmed with questions, why and how and even if it was true. I had to ask grandmother, she would know she is after all the head of the church now.

I raced to my grandmother's room and stormed though the door book in hand. "Grandmother is it true? Is there really a vampire in the woods?" My grandmother frozen, dropping her cup of tea and pulled the book from me. "Where did you get this book?"

"From the library" I answered. "So is it true, is there really a vampire in the woods? Can I meet him? Are they like the movies?" Question after question spilled out of my mouth and dislike grow on my grandmother's face. She would then answer. "Yes it is true, however you can never meet him! He is a monsters! They are not like the vampires in the movies, he kill for thrill and fight for delight. Now my lovely granddaughter, please Fe go back to your studies and no more vampire talk."

As I left the room my anger grow and questions built up. Why was she so cold about this? Why can't I meet him? He couldn't be that bad could he? I mean he's bound to a tree, he can't hurt me. As I kept talking to myself I found myself wandering thought the woods. I was going to found him, no one was going to stop me. Day soon turned to night and I found myself lost. I had seen maps of the area many times the woods never looked that big. So why now did it seem to go on forever. I was tired and I could not see, I did not plan for anything. And it was getting cold. "For the night I'll just rest against the tree and wait for morning." I said to myself. As I slept my mind wandered the dreams of finding him turned to nightmares. He was a monster! He broke free from his bounding and drag me back to the church. He killed all everyone in the town before he ripped grandmothers head off and drunk me dry. I woke up screaming and glad to see the morning sun.

"Would you please be quiet! It is bad enough to have the sun on me all day and be hungry. I really don't need a stupid girl screams waking me up so early in the day. You are a girl right? "

Yes I am a girl! Do I not look like one. You are a very rude child. From the trees are holding you up I take it you are the vampire in the book. What a waste of time."

"Well sorry but in my time girls dressed like girls. Not in pants and a shirt that cuts so low I can see your chest. Have you no shame? Dress like a well brought up lady not a girlish boy I would buy at a whore house. And I'm not a child at one time my feet did touch the ground"

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