ch. 3 Time Out

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"Let's go Thorn." I said as I pulled him back upstairs to my room, to get dressed. I quickly changed in to a black min skirt and black tank top with flip flops. However, it was slim picking from lost and found for Thorn. He got a Spiderman shirt and shorts with girls hot pink sandals. "My shoes are for girls, aren't they?" he asked.

"I'm sorry Thorn." I said as I laugh. He of course pouted like a little kid. However, his personal change after he saw my outfit. "I do wish you change your clothes Fa. You look like a Hussy. That skirt is far to short and I can see down your shirt. It's unbecoming of a young lady. Males are not going to turn a blind eye to that outfit. What are you going to do if a guy try's to do something with you. It will tarnish your good name and you won't get any marriage proposals. You'll brake your grandmother's heart." Thorn said as he continued to act like my dad.

"Oh boy do you have a lot to learn Thorn. Girls dress this way now. Also, marriage proposals aren't done the same way as before. Furthermore, you maybe trapped in a kids body but you're still a guy and haven't tried anything. Besides no guys are going try anything when I'm walking around with a kid! Everyone will just think you're my kid."

"What's wrong with the world? Having a kid before marriage, disgusting! Fa you are my master, even if I fall in love with you, trying anything with you would be disrespectful. I'm your faithful dog, command me as you will. I kill for thrill and fight for delight, devouring the blood of all that stand in our way, my master."

In a snap, I slapped Thorn on the cheek. Looking shocked he looked at me like he hadn't a clue on what he had done. I felt bad, I just slapped a child. No warning at all. I just slapped him pretty hard, my hand stings and his cheek is red." I'm sorry" I began to say but his laughing stopped me. Has he just lost his mind? In seconds Thorn had me pinned to my bed. His fangs floating above my neck. " You maybe my master but raise a hand to me again and it will you that becomes my pet." Thorn said in his deep chilling voice.

"Yelling into the wind, Thorn you stupid vampire. Fa tell him to get off of you." gram said standing in my doorway with a large dog cage. She placing the cage in the far corner of my room. "Now Fa tell Thorn to get in his cage and stay till you let him out."

Confused by what she said, I did as I was told. "Thorn get in your cage and stay there till I let you out."

"But Master Please." he said as his body followed my demands. Big puppy dog eyes followed as he sat in the cage, knees to his chest. "Master I'm sorry I won't do it again please let me out" he said in his cutest kid voice.

"Stupid vampire, Fa he's blood bounded to you. He can't disabled your orders. Also, he can not drink from others till you free him or die." gram said before turning to Thorn's cage and locking it. "Poor puppy your master put you on time off." She said as she walked out of my room.

"Thorn you really like act like a helpless kid in front of my gram don't you? Though you look so cute when you were pouting and getting in your cage. Why don't we let you out. I'm not really into the s&m play. Maybe if the roles were switched it could be more fun." I said before unlocking the cage and inviting Thorn back out.

In seconds Thorn had me pinned to my bed again, hands pinned above my head and kissed my neck. "Master I'm hungry." he whispered in my ear before licking my neck. "Please Master may I drink some?" he asked as he laced his fingers with mine and bit his lip.

"What kind of Master would I be if I let my baby vampire go around hungry. Drink up my baby vampire." I said as I turn my head to the side.

"Thank you, my Master." Thorn said before drilling his fangs deep into my neck. Pain swarmed to my neck, this is the first time he's bitten my neck. The pain was too much, I tried to push Thorn off of me. He simple grabbed my hands tighter and sucked my blood a little slower. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I dug my nails into his hands.

His hands, his hands were now bigger then mine. He now only used one hand to hold my hands up. The other cupped my face as he grow and he was now next to me leaning over instead of siting on me like a child. Much taller then my 5 foot, 2 inches now. He seemed to be about 5 foot, 9 inches. I could see he was a teenager maybe 15. His clothes were ripped apart, showing all.

Large hands cupped my face and lower back. This strong armed embrace made me feel safe. Lips and fangs teased my neck as my hands made way to his broad back. My nails marked up his scared back as I pull him closer.

The pain soon turned to pleasure. I didn't want him to stop. The more he sucked the more I felt it. Heated by the pleasure a moan escaped my lips. "Thorn." I called his name wanting more.

Thorn jump away from me in a flash. Holding his throat and breathing heavy. He turned away from me and my worries surfaced. "Thorn what's wrong?" I asked afraid to know the answer. Once his breathing slowed he turn back to me.

"Nothing is really wrong. It's just whatever you are feeling I feel it too." he said looking at the floor. "The first night I drank your blood you were sleepy. I felt it in your blood and I couldn't drink my fill. I fell asleep from your blood. However, today it was different. At first you felt pain. So much pain that I thought I should stop. But then your pleasure hit me, all at once." he said biting his lip. "I haven't felt pleasure in awhile Fa. I didn't want to stop but it became to much. You look so pail. I'm sorry for my selfishness." he said stilling not to look at me.

Now sitting up I looked at him. "So me being aroused got you aroused?" I asked. He shook his had yes and blushed. (How cute a old time killing vampire can blush). I thought to myself. I looked at him again and felt myself blush. I quickly left the room and returned with some of dad's old boxed up clothes. "Here put them on." he did as I turn away from him.

"Master you should nap. I'm sorry I drank to much of your blood. You can show me the town after your nap." he said as he pushed me down on the 

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