Ch. 5 Nightmares' pain

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Its been days since I last feed. Fa's blood calls to me every moment of the day. Two days is all I have left before my body starts to recess into a children again. I've started to avoid her. Just being in the same room as her is unbearable. As I sit on the floor watching her sleep, my fangs and body ache for her. The lust I get from her blood is addictive. If it continues I won't last past the week.

"Thorn what are you doing sitting there, come back to bed. I miss my cuddle buddy." she said half asleep.

"I can't sleep, I'll be back after a shower, go back to sleep. " I tell her as she fells asleep.

Thump thump thump, over and over again. Thump thump thump I hear as my throat begs me to drink her blood. My ear betray me, her heart beats louder in my ears. I step closer to her with every beat. No I have to get from here my mind screams at me before I race out of the room. I drop to my knees as the door closes. Felling like I'm on fire I try to control my blood lust. Thump thump thump, I can still hear her heart from the other side of the door.

I race down two sets of stairs and into the basement. It was dark no way for light from outside to creep in. It smell of mold like my old home. Memories of my past flooded my mind.

Lash! Lash! "Hit him again!" Lash! Lash! Lash! "Again! Hit him till he crys out." Lash! Lash! " You better cry out boy. Embrace our ways like your brother or die by yours."

"Please Vlad ask them to stop. Brother please stop being bullheaded. Its already 31 lashes."

Hands chained to the walk, back lashed opened, body weak, to hungry to care what they do, I stand face to the walk and mouth shut. I will never give them what they want. My brother is a trader. He dishonors our family, no my family, he's no brother of mine.

"Listen to your brother boy, your life will be easier."

Finally I had my answer for him. " He's no brother of mine." on that note the whip hit me again make me fall to the whip in my once proud little brother's hand. "Radu as sure as that whip in your hand, you're no brother of mine. You sided with them instead of your family, trader."

"Vlad you forget who left us here. Our father left us here to the sultan of the Ottoman empire. We are the insurance that father will fight for Murad. He didn't fight to take us back home. He left us to get out of his prison cell. He's the trade Vlad not me. The sultan has let us learn everything we need to be great men. Science, philosophy, art, skills on horses, being a warrior, why do you still fight them?"

It wasn't long before the men in the room bowed to Murad. "Vlad, how do you like your new room? I do believe your old one was much more comfortable before. What's wrong Vlad cat's got your tongue?" he said as he turned to his men. "Have him washed up and brought to my quarters." he said before leaving the room.

Minutes later my body was cleaned and I was thrown into Murad's room. He walked over to me and grabbed my hair before throwing my nude body face first onto his bed. His hand smacked down on my ass "Ass up" he said. His fingers ran cross my back "Don't fight me this time Vlad. I don't like leaving marks of your body."

"Thorn wake up. Wake up! Your eyes are bleeding! Are you sick? Do you need blood? Here bite!" My eyes slowly opened to see Fa, exposing her neck to me. Thumb thumb thumb. I watch her neck as it begged to me. With the last will power I have I bit my lips shut and told her I was fine.

"What are you doing sleeping in the basement? I thought we had worked out where you were going to sleep already. Also why do you have blood coming from your eyes." she asked.

I pulled her onto my lap. Resting my head on her shoulder as I hugged her tight. "It was just a nightmare." I said, still not letting her go. Hugging her was calming, I could feel my body relaxing before it reacting to her touch. I felt sparks as her hands tailed down my back. This caught my attention as she pressed her lips to my forehead. My blood rushed though me, tightening very muscle in shock.

"It's ok now. I'm with you. I'll keep your nightmares away." she said as she claimed my lips for her own. I was frozen, I couldn't react due to being kissed by a girl. I was stick in my thoughts not moving my lips at all. Girls in this age sure are full of surprises. I snapped out of it when she pulled back, looking hurt and rejected. In that moment of seeing her hurt I smashed my lips into hers. This time when she moved hers I did the same. I nipped at her lip asking for entry which she gladly gave. I kissed her till I tasted blood. Her lip hit my fang cracking it open. I licked the few drops of blood away before we laid down. She rested on my chest, let sleep take over her. My mind was calm, my body relaxed, as I thought to myself. Maybe loving her wouldn't be so bad

It was the afternoon before we woke up and left the basement. We hadn't spoken a word to each other since the kiss. Fa was eating a peanut butter and butter pickle sandwich. Which I thought sound just gross. I would catch her every few minutes looking at me and I just smiled at her. She would blush a little before returning to her sandwich.

"Fa look I know your gram hates me but do you think I could ask you..." there was a knock on the door before I could finish.

Fa answered the door and in stepped and young man around her age. HIS ARM SNAKED HER AS HE KISSED HER! My anger was building. "Go get ready for our date dear." he said before spanking her bottom. Fa run up the stairs not questioning his actions. Once Fa was gone he walked over to me.

"See that hot piece of ass going upstairs. Well it's mine! Keep your hands off. I'm tapping that tonight." he said before Fa returned dressed in all pink with min skirt to match. "Ready to go babe?" he asked as his hand grabbed her ass. I waited for the door to close before losing it. I punched a hole in the wall as I walked myself to the basement. I locked myself in and punched the stone walls till my hands began to bleed.

"When she returns home I want nothing to do with her. Not her, not her gram, no one! They can just stick me back on the tree, people in this time are to fucked up for me. Her and gram are both the same heart breakers." I said to myself as I sat in the corner, and let myself yet again feel the pain of heartbreak.

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