ch. 6 Stupid Vampire

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Fa was still on her date at 10:30 pm, something her and I needed to address when she got home. As for that stupid vampire he had locked himself in the basement again.

It was clear to me, he was jealous of Fa's boyfriend. He was falling for her in this 3 day time spand. His mental state was unstable. All those years alone and hurt made him this way. He not only needed to feel loved but also wanted it to be true.

Knowing I would have to explain things to this stupid vampire. It wasn't at the top of my list. However, before Fa found out and we had a stupid fight between the two boys I know I would have to.

One would think the boys would use their noses to smell the difference in their breeds. Which I'm sure Fa's boyfriend Chris had done and was picking a fight with Thorn. Thorn however been only in a teenager's body let his emotions get the best of him.

I sighed to myself as I walked down the steps to the basement. The wooden steps cracked under my feet. As I hit the a last step I tried to open the door. I pinched the bridge of my nose. Knowing the only thing he could use to block the door shut was himself.

"Move you stupid vampire!"

"Leave me alone! I hate your stupid family, I hate all of you! I wish I never meet any of your family! I going to destroy your family."

"Stop acting like a teenaged brat, act your age not your body size. I have some thing to explain to you. Also, I know you don't have any Vampire powers right now. So if Fa stops feeding you are going to be a 5 year old in what a day maybe 2. Do you really want that?" I said hoping he would move from in front of the door.

Slowly the door cracked open revealing Thorn in his younger form. No longer in the body of a 15 year old Thorn was short again may 10 years old. I sighed as I looked at him.  His hands were stained with blood. His right hand looked broke.

"What did you do?" I asked as I pushed the door fully opened.

"I got mad and punched the stone wall a few times." He said as he headed up the stairs. Half way up he tripped I tried to help him but he wouldn't let me. He continued up the stairs by crawling and into the living room. He sat against the wall.

"Thorn I need to explain to you that Fa's boyfriend isn't what you think." I said as I looked at him sleep. I don't know how he fell asleep so fast.

"Thorn wake up! I need to talk to you right now." I said as I shook him awake.

"I think I'm drunk and I didn't drink anything." He said trying stay awake.

"Fa drinking? Her being drunk is affecting you. The blood bound is pretty strong. You just stay here I'm going to call Chris and get your drunk master's ads back here. Then you, Chris and I can have a nice talk."

Pulling the phone off the hook I began to call Chris but I get sidetracked as Thorn started yelling.

"Don't bring him or her back here I hate them. I hate them, hate them, hate them." He said banning his head off the walk.

The phone rang a few times before Chris answered. "Hello, Lilly I'm going to have to call you back. I kinda got my hands full with Fa she was acting strange, she got mad out of no where, then started drinking. She never drinks at the parties. Does this have anything to do with that brat vampire?"

"This has everything to do with the stupid vampire. Just bring her back home. Her drinking made him drunk. I think him being jealous of you made him mad which made her mad. Their blood bound is very strong."

"Alread we be there in a few minutes." He said as the phone clicked off. A few minutes late he walked in carrying Fa. I told him to take her to her room and then come back that we needed to talk.

After a few minutes later he was downstairs and grabbing Thorn and started shaking him. "Wake up you stupid vampire. We need to talk to you."

Through sleepy eyes Thorn answered him. "I don't want to talk with you. I also don't want to see my master ether."

"Shut up you stupid vampire. Chris isn't Fa's boyfriend. He's her protector from the wolf clan. He's a werewolf and He's the alpha." Thorn looked at me stupidly.

"He's not her boyfriend? But he sure acts like it, grabbing and touching wants MINE." He yelled.

"As alpha I have to protect my pack. She part of my pack. She may not know it but she is part werewolf. As a half breed she was assigned a protector. Since I'm friends with her family I became her protector. Also she not my mate. Vampires may not get mates but even half breeds do. To make sure Rogue wolves didn't mark her before she or if she gets her powers I masked her with my smell. Which means acting like a boyfriend and rub my smell on her. What are you going do when her mate comes into the picture? Lilly left you for her mate though she's human. "

"She's mine! Mine and mine alone. No one can have her." Thorn said before running off to Fa's room.

"For a old ass vampire he sure can act like a brat kid. But Lilly I believe he maybe Fa's mate. You know if he is it won't be long before they complete the mating. You how little control mates have to stop. The lust for each other will be too great. Upside they would have strong puppies." he said before leaving. I just hope its not true.

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