Ch. 8 Unknown

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"Welcome back Scout 323. Head Master will be happy to see you."

"Thank you Cy, I'm glad grampa will be happy to see me. The mission went well."

The door to a old stone house opened up. The floor cracked under their feet as they made their way in. Through the living room and into the kitchen the two pushed a plain wall. The wall gave way to stone stairs. Down the stairs they descended for under the home was a maze of always changing tunnels.

Cy's nose was in the air, his chains clanging on the floor. Only 17 years old he had a life time of pain. Pushing though the pain, the silver chains left. He continued to smell his way though the maze.

Twists and turns they took leading them to a wide open stone chamber. Upon the chamber walls hung game of all kind. Some normal animals other supernatural. Nether says a word till they reached the chamber. Once there they kneeled before a elderly man in a silver throne, a werewolf skin lay under his feet.

"Head Master, Scout 323 would like to report on the mission."

"Very well, you've done your job. You're dismissed MONGREL." The head master said almost spitting the word.

Once Cy left the room 323 started the report. The report brought joy to the head master as he laughed.

"Thank you that is very good news. Inform the rest of the clan. We'll have our day again. And when we do we all be young again. One little wolf pack won't stop me from a grand prize as that." His laughing carried on as 323 left the room.

Scout 323 joined Cy again who lead them back out of the maze. They returned back to the front door were 323 hugged Cy.

"Don't worry Cy he promised to let you go after. One day you'll be free and meet your mate." 323 said before disappearing into the dark night.

"Thank you my friend however, that day will never come. " Cy said knowing 323 could not hear him.

The next day Cy lead group after group in and out of the maze. Each time seeing the skin of his father under the head masters feet. Cheers followed the meeting of the clan. Cy know this wasn't good.

Once the door reopened to the chamber he lead the members back outside. He took in his last breath of fresh air before being taking by armed men to his cell outback.

Before opening his cell the men beat him. They broke bones, sliced his skin and to add to the humilation made him strip of his clothes.

On the floor he laid, know his body would heal tonight from the full moon. However, this would be the last full moon of his life. For in 3 weeks he would be 18 and his death was sealed. A week Before 323 was due back. A week to early for 323 to safe him.

Broken he forced himself to sleep. Feeling no point and trying to escape after so many fails

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