Ch. 7 Lasciviousness

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So here I am standing in front of Fa's door. This old white door, the wooden floor cracked under my feet. My nerves were getting to me. I can't get myself to open the door and walk in. I can't stop the battle in my mind. Yes I had ran out of the chat earlier after saying she was mine but was she really. I know she's my master but can I call her mine. Will she let me? Do I really want her after all her family has done to me.

She's not her family. She's not her family, she freed you. She gave you her blood. I slow pushed the door open to see her laying in bed. She was awake just looking out the window when she saw me.

"Thorn you're short again. Being this small you look cute. So why do you keep reverting to that of a child?" I was left speechless, not from her question. Her nude form now sat on the edge of the bed. I turned my back to her so fast my head started to spin again.

"Fa where are your clothes? Did that boy do this to you?" I could feel my blood boil at the thought of him seeing her this way. All the ways to kill him flashed in my mind. I thought of impaling him. Watching him slowly bleed out.

My thoughts faded as arms snaked around me. "My clothes are over there and don't worry about Chris he only act like my boyfriend to scare off boys. Beside I think he's gay he's never tried anything with me. And as you said I do dress like a hussy." She hugged me in her drunk way till she hit my right hand. Its not that I was trying to hide it. But with all her and my emotions running in my veins, my mind been crazy, not counting her drunkenness through the blood bound.

She now stood in front of me holding my hand, looking it over. My left hand covered my eyes. "Thorn why is your hand like this? Why isn't it healing?"

I tried to pull my hand away but being this size, I failed. "Punched the wall in the basement. It's healing just slowly due to not being my normal size. I'm small again because I need more blood and because my hand is using up some of the blood. Now put on some clothes. It's unspeakably for me to see you this way. I keep telling you I'm not a kid. I'm not your son, your kid brother, or a doll. I'm a man I have wants and needs just like any other man."

She let go of my hand and grabbed her blanket off her bed. She placed it around herself before pulling me close to her. "Drink till you are full sized."

"Fa please put some clothes on." My fangs itched to sink into her neck. My thoat begged me to drink. She's like a drug I can't get enough of. I used the last of my will to turn her down.

"Thorn if you wouldn't willing drink I'll use the bound to force you." She crossed her arms waiting for me to acted. When I didn't she gave her order.

"Thorn I order you to drink till you are your normal size." She sat in front of me on the floor, her head tilted to the side. My body moved against my will.

"I'm sorry Fa this is going to hurt." Was all I could say before my fangs drilled into her neck. Her blood hit my tongue and delight filled my body. Her blood was the sweetest I ever had. My hand healed in a minute and my body began to grow.

My ears were ring from Fa's screams. I tried to stop but her word is law. Every time I tried to stop my fangs would drill in deeper, make Fa scream more in pain. I wish I could stop, I don't like her being in pain.

We stood up as my body grow, my clothes ripped. I was now taller then her. The blanket around her fell to the floor. Her skin brushed over mine, burning me with her heat. The heat from her skin was incredible, becoming more and more heated.

Something was wrong she was too hot.

Banging began to echo around the room, the mutt hit the door. "Fa are you ok? Fa answer me!" He said, opening the door I wished I locked.

In a swift move the mutt had me up against the wall. Fa was now sitting on her bed nude in front of another man.

The mutt was looking at her. Leaving me at the wall he pushed his lips against her. Her lips reacted to his whole she kissed him back. Her body was push up against his. He held her too close. He shook his head as if trying to fight a spell. "Fa you are in heat and need to take a cold shower before other males smell you."

My blood was boiling. I hate that he saw her this way and now he's touching her. However, not even my hate for him could stop her order.

Though I wasn't trying to, I ended up pushing the mutt out the open window as I made my way back to her. I am happy he fell from the window but less about my next actions. My fangs drilled back into her neck. This end up making her scream in pain before she passed out due to lose of blood. Thankfully I was full size and could stop.

" You stupid fucking vampire! Why the hell did you push me out the window?" He said. Pushing his way back into the room. He stopped talking as he looked at Fa. His nose was in the air. He sniffed the air around him.

Fa wasn't moving. On the floor she lay, exposed to him. Howls echoed from the woods behind the church. He grab her and started licking her. My rage blinded me as I grabbed him ready to push him out the window again. However, he pushed me off of him.

"Look Thorn, they are coming for her! " he said pointing to the wolves outside the woods now. "I'm trying keep her and you safe stupid. She is unmarked, in heat and has yet to shift. Do you want one of the unmated males to take her? Fighting the need to mate a unmarked in heat female is hard for unmated males. Up till now I've been able to mask her by rubbing my scent on her." He said still holding her.

"So what do I do?" I ask as I tried not to kill him.

"There not much you can do at this point. Her heat is going to keep drawing them in. They aren't getting closer because I'm here and alpha."

"Then what do you do?" My voice showing my rage.

"I was doing the lesser of the three evils that wouldn't involve mating her before you stopped me. But you pick I can lick her from head to toe, piss on her or cum on her. What's it going be?"

Bitting my tongue I gave my answer. "Lick." I needed to say no more. I shouldn't be watching this, but I couldn't stop. He licked her face and she started to wake up. He licked down her neck. The neck that my fangs ached to be in. Down the arms that hugged me tight. He dragged his tongue across her breast and her eyes shot open.

"Chris what are you doing?" She said as she moaned. My hands opened and closed, I tried to relax but her moans to another man aren't helping.

"Just relax, the faster you cool down the faster I can stop. Plus your vampire looks like he wants to kill me."

He wasn't wrong about that. Fa's eyes were glued on me. "Thorn please." That was all it took for me to reacted. Pulling her onto my lap and pushing Chris away. She shook in my arms as I pull a blanket over her. The howls began again as they stepped closer.

"Thorn, you idiot, do you think I enjoy doing that to her? I'm trying to protect her. I don't enjoy it! She's not my mate! Now they are getting closer!" My eyes watched him, look out the window, while running his hand through his hair. "If we can't mask her scent that way then she needs to be marked."

My fist hit the floor we sat on making Fa jump. "You are not marking her!" I said pulling her closer to me.

"Wouldn't dream of it. Wolves only get one true mate. However, they can't be marked till they turn for the first time. Seeing how Fa is a half breed there's no telling when she'll turn. But due to your sucking her neck and whatever else you did to get her nude. She went into a early heat."

"Wait I'm a what?" Fa said still sitting in my arms.

"No time for this right now Fa. Just do as I say, maybe we can get you to turn. Then your stupid vampire can mark you." he said as he stripped from his clothes. I quickly covered Fa's eyes with my hand.

"Remove your hand Thorn she needs to see what to do." I reluctantly removed my hand.

"Fa I need you to get on all fours and call to your wolf. You need her to come out. You may need to howl. Watch closely Fa." With that said Chris dropped to all fours and howled before becoming a great silver wolf with black rings around his neck.

Fa did as she was told. Her turning was much more painful to watch. Her bones cracked and snapped. Her teeth fell from her mouth as her skin ripped from her body. Her fur came in as patches at first, her body fighting back the whole way. One second she was part wolf the next human.

Final her body was a full wolf. She was much smaller then Chris. Next to each other she was the size of a normal wolf while Chris was about 2 feet taller. Fa's fur was mostly silver with brown paws and brown tipped tail.

I was amazed by her beauty while I heard her cry in pain. Out of no where Chris bit into the right side of her neck. This cause her to turn back. The wolves out side howled more to this. He dropped her in my lap before sinking his teeth into the right side of my neck.

Retracing he's teeth from me, He turn back. "Welcome to the pack Vampire. Now wake her up. You most both bite each other left side of the neck."


"I marked you both as silver pack. The mark on your necks of a sleeping silver wolf shows that. Your welcome, now the left side leave your mate mark."

Together we bit into each others neck. Nether of us questioning what was happening. Afterwards, I looked at the mark a white rose with red thorns around it. The howls all stopped.

"Am I worthy of you?" Slipped from her lips as she fell asleep.

"Don't worry she's just tired. Let her sleep for a while. You should sleep too. You are both going to need it. Tomorrow is the full moon. I'll be back tomorrow." Finally the mutt was gone.

Together we lay in bed. I kissed her forehead before letting myself succumb to sleep. "You are more then worthy for me, my mate."

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