(14) Enchanted

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"I was enchanted to meet you.
Please don't be in love with someone else...
Please don't have somebody waiting on you..."
-Taylor Swift

We sat in English on Friday morning as the announcements were read over. Ryder wore his jersey over a sweatshirt and his usual backwards hat, and he was trying to talk to me, but he looked so good, so of course, I was slightly distracted.

"Ains," he whispered with a laugh, "Did you hear homecoming is in two weeks?"

"What?" I asked dazedly whilst bringing my attention back to him.

He smiled. "Homecoming. It's coming up," he whispered.

"Oh," I smiled. "Well, I know exactly who I'm voting for as the class prince and princess." For homecoming every year, each class (with exception of the seniors) votes for a prince and princess to join the homecoming court. The seniors on the other hand, pick five queen candidates and five king candidates.


"You and Katie."

He rolled his eyes and shook his head. "That's a terrible idea. I don't need her obsessing over me anymore than she already does."

"So are you going to the dance?" I asked.

"I think so. Will you?"

"If I can find a dress, I will."

He thought for a second before turning to me and smiling. "What color do you think the dress will be? You know, so I can coordinate with you."

"Bold of you to assume I'm going with you," I giggled.

"Who else would you go with?"

I rolled my eyes. "Probably blue. I'm not entirely sure yet."

"I'll keep that in mind."


And so, later that night, we were back on the field. Ryder was doing well despite us losing.

"Keep your head up, James. There is still another quarter," I said into my headset after he threw a low ball. "Just make sure to follow through with your throws."

He sent a thumbs up and the whistle was blown. Seconds later, he received the snap and went to throw to Ethan, but a linebacker broke through the blocks and ran right towards him. I gasped alongside the rest of the crowd as he was brought down hard, like really hard.

"Ryder, are you alright?" I said as the players on the field crowded around him. Seconds passed and there was no sign of movement. My heart dropped as my dad rushed onto the field with the athletic trainer.

"Ainsley, stay here," whispered Braxton as he placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. "He'll be alright," he added as the players surrounding Ryder parted ways.

It looked like he was sitting up and that they were checking out his leg and head. Relief washed over me at the site of him sitting up.

A few moments later, he got back up and the crowd cheered. He wobbled off the field since that was the fourth down, and over to me.

"Take a seat," I said, ushering him to the bench.

He winced in pain as he limped over to the bench and sat down.

"Ryder . . ." I mumbled.

"Ains, I'm okay. I just landed wrong," he reassured.

I sighed and rested the head set around my neck while the game continued on.

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