(34) Wonder

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"Right before I close my eyes...
The only thing that's on my mind..."
-Shawn Mendes

On Friday, I was playing for Ainsley. As I took the field, I let out a deep breath and gazed at the opposing team. They are said to be good and have the upper hand in tonight's game, but not if I can help it.

"James," said Coach Sloane's voice through my earpiece, "pass the ball behind you and to Carew."

I nodded and looked up and down my offensive line. I yelled the play name which was 'Bear Seven'. The guys nodded, signaling that they heard me, so I yelled, "Set... Hike!"

I received the ball from the snap and ran to the side to avoid a speeding linebacker. To throw the other team off, I faked a throw to Jackson, but passed the ball to Carew while they were distracted by Jackson. Carew took off running and cheers broke out as he sprinted all the way to the 30 yard line and until he was run out of bounds.

"Good, that was good. Look long now," said Sloane.

My team huddled together. "I'm throwing long. Try and shake your defender off, or at least create a hole so I can run," I said to the guys, who nodded.

When we broke out of the huddle, we set up, and then I received the ball from the snap. My guys ran wide and long, creating a gap in the defense, and since no one was really open, I began to run through the hole when Jackson suddenly emerged open, deep down the field. Just as a linebacker barreled towards me, I threw the ball towards Jackson, who caught it and ran right into the end zone.

Cheers broke out as we ran to Jackson, jumping around him and celebrating his touch down. Then, I ran off the field so they could go for the field goal. Katie handed me a water bottle and tried to talk to me, but I didn't take it just because it's Katie.

"James," said Sloane. I'm surprised he still talks to me in all honesty. Usually whatever he says is backhanded though, but whatever. Dating his daughter is worth every insult he has to say to me.

"Was my elbow up?" I asked.

He nodded. "But you need to remember to keep a gap between your hand and the ball so you can get that spiral. That last throw was probably the worst I have ever seen because you didn't have the space."

"Alright. Sounds good. Thanks, Coach."

The first three quarters were awesome as we were maintaining a lead. Hopes were high as we entered the fourth quarter.

I jogged onto the field and glanced at the scoreboard. "27-19," it read. My goal was to stall this quarter and hopefully throw a touchdown or two while we're here to widen the score gap.

All I could really think about was Ainsley. That's who I was doing this for. Getting a state title would be great, but getting to see her is my real goal.

So as the ball was snapped, I spun out of the way of a defender and then threw right to Carew, who caught it.

After he was tackled, we reset again and I received the ball from the snap. Mathew ran behind me and we faked a hand off, so as the other team was scrambling for Mathew. I threw a long ball which was right into the safety of Jackson's arms, and he ran right into the end zone.

I felt my knees go weak as six more points were added to the score, because that also meant we are likely on our way to play Beverley, Ainsley's school.




"And they have done it again! Another game to add to the undefeated streak of the Beverly Buffalos! Join us next week to support your boys over in Fresno for the game that will determine whether or not we see them in the final state game," the announcer announced.

I sat in the student section which was going crazy. Air horns were going off, people were chucking confetti, others were waving the school flag, and so many students were just cheering happily. It was a lot of fun.

Soon, the student section was running onto the field, and I found myself in the mix of them. Somehow in the rush, I found Cato.

"That was incredible!" I cried as I threw my arms around him.

He chuckled and hugged me back. "Thanks, Ains. Enjoying going to a school with an actual good team?"

Just as he said that, the announcer announced over the speaker to say, "and this just in! Your Buffalos will be facing off against the Bears all the way up from Norcal next Friday!"

"Never mind," said Cato with a grin as I clasped my hand over my mouth. "We'll destroy them anyways."

I also smiled. "It'll be a fun game, that's for sure."

He hugged me once more, and then his team and a huge crowd of students surrounded us so they could celebrate with Cato.


"Did you hear!? You're playing us!" I exclaimed the second Ryder picked up.

He smiled and laughed softly. "I know... it's amazing. I'm so excited to see you."

"I miss you so much. I can't wait to see you again," I said with a smile.

"I miss you too, Ains, so, so much," he said with a big grin.

I raised my eyebrows and sat up from where I lay on my bed. "Really?"

"Yeah... I can't wait to see you."

"Me too," I responded.

Ryder chuckled and nodded in agreement. "And then you'll be home for Christmas... We are hanging out everyday."

"Oh, for sure. I can't wait."

"Me too. So how's soccer been? Are things getting better?"

Soccer has in fact, sucked. The girls are complete bitches to me still and literally none of them want to be friends with me. Tammi, the coach, at least likes me. She already talked to me about captaining the team and playing as a starter.

When I didn't respond Ryder said, "Ains, it's okay. Just play your hardest because you're there to represent yourself, not those girls."

"Thanks... I miss you," I murmured.

"Cheer up, we'll see each other next Friday!"

I felt a small smile appear on my face as I gazed at my gorgeous boyfriend.

Only seven more days.

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