(35) Dreams

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"Players only love you when they're playing."
-Fleetwood Mac

"So Ainsley," said Cato as we drove to school on Monday.


"This game... it's a really big deal as you know, and you know how your dad's team plays, do you think you could possibly tell me about some of their plays so we can have an easier time shutting them down?"

I crossed my arms and looked at the car that was driving in front of us. "Then the game wouldn't be fun to watch if you guys knew their plays."

"Oh, come on! People do this sort of thing all the time!"

"Yeah, well, if you want to beat Ryder and his team, you need to do the work yourself. Watch some of their old game footage and learn the plays," I jeered. There was just something about him asking me about the steps to their plays that pissed me off. I'm not sure why.

"But if you do, we can easily take down your dad. Wouldn't you want that?"

"I may dislike my dad right now but Ryder and the rest of the boys have worked incredibly hard to get to where they are today. I mean, just last year, it was a sight to see them score. Now they are playing for one of the two spots in the final state game. So I'm sorry, Cato, but I won't be helping you out with this one. I'll find their old game footage for you to watch, but that's it," I said, not bothering to look at him once as I spoke.

He sighed and turned the car into the school parking lot. "Fair enough... but I was also telling the coaches about your knowledge and how you used to assist your dad on the sidelines. They offered to have you stand on the sidelines and help out on Friday night."

I laughed softly and climbed out of his car. He too got out. "I would honestly feel like a traitor."

Cato also chuckled. "That's understandable, but the offer still stands if you change your mind."

"Thanks. So are you excited for the game?"

He nodded and we started to walk in the direction of our first class. "It'll be fun. It's crazy to think we'll be meeting your dad's team on the field. Such a big coincidence..."

"Mhm. I'm looking forward to it."


Later, I was at soccer and I was lucky if I was even passed the ball. The girls have just gone on to ignoring me at this point and the only time they will give me the ball is if Tammi is screaming at them to pass to me.

So, I was passed the ball and I was running down the field since we were scrimmaging. Just as I neared the defense, Kaitlyn (of course), came barreling at me at full speed. I went to juke around her, but all she did was basically tackle me.

I felt my knee twist and pain immediately filled my knee cap as I slammed into the ground.

"You bitch!" Kaitlyn mumbled as she got up like she didn't just tackle me.

I ignored her as I rolled onto my back and sat up. "Oh, get up. You're fine. Quit overeacting, Captain," Mary taunted.

"You okay?" Tammi asked worriedly as she jogged over to where I sat on the field.

"Yeah, I think I twisted my knee wrong," I responded as I stood up and ignored the pain in my knee.

"Great. Ainsley, you start with the ball since that was a foul on the other team's part," said Tammi as she rolled the ball to my feet.

I stopped it and when Kaitlyn ran to defend me, I easily went around her while ignoring the jabbing pain in my knee. I sprinted passed the final few defenders and took a shot on the goal, sending it to the far corner and to the net.

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