(16) Night Changes

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"Does it ever drive you crazy
Just how fast the night changes?"
- One Direction

"Mom, I'm going dress shopping for homecoming. I'll be back tonight," I said as I ran downstairs.

"With Ryder?" she asked with a questioning glance as she gazed out the kitchen window. His Jeep was outside and Lacey and Braxton were in the back.

"Lacey and Braxton are right there," I responded as I grabbed my wallet. "Braxton and Ryder insisted on going."

Mom smiled and walked over to me. "Are you going to the dance with Ryder?"

I shook my head as I checked to make sure I had my card and cash. "He hasn't asked."

"Ainsley, dear. If he's going dress shopping with you, that means he wants to go with you."

"What do you mean?" I asked with a slight laugh.

She picked up her own wallet and handed me some money. "Just in case. Anyways, he wants to go so he can see what color dress you're getting, and then he can match his suit to your dress!"

"Wrong," I replied as I made a run for the door.

She followed me and when I opened it, I nearly slammed into Ryder in my attempts to get out quickly so I could avoid more harassment about homecoming.

"Prince Ryder! How are you?" my mom asked.

"It's nice to see you, Kat," he said with a chuckle. "I hope it's okay with you and Coach Sloane that Ainsley goes to the mall with us."

"No worries, Ryder. You can take Ainsley out anytime. I'm sure she wouldn't mind."

I rolled my eyes and started to push Ryder towards his car. "Bye, Ma!" I yelled.

All he did was wrap an arm around me and pick me up. I screamed while my mom laughed. "Well, seeing someone wants to get on the road, we better get going. It was nice to see you. I'll have her back in a few hours," said Ryder.

I tried to squirm out of his embrace but he only put me over his shoulder.

"Sounds good, Ryder. By the way, I think beige would be a great color for your homecoming outfits."

And before I could say anything back, she shut the door.

"I think beige would bring out your eyes rather nicely," said Ryder while he set me back on my feet. "How are you, pretty girl?" he asked as he held open the door to his car.

"Fine until all that," I mumbled.


When we arrived at the mall, Lacey and I immediately took off to our favorite dress store and completely forgot that the boys were with us.

"Ains, I think you should get two dresses," she said as we searched the racks. "One for the dance and one for the football game, like a black one for the game because it would match Ryder's uniform."

"I like that idea," I said as I turned to look at the boys, who were approaching us.

I would have expected them to be embarrassed to be walking through a dress store, but they seemed to be enjoying it as they were picking out dresses as they walked.

"This would look pretty on you," said Ryder. He held up a light blue body-con that was absolutely adorable.

"I'll try it on," I said with a smile.


After searching all the racks, both Lacey and I had found many dresses. We walked back into the dressing rooms and the guys took seats in the chairs while they waited.

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