(29) Love Story

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"And my daddy said, 'Stay away from Juliet.'
And I was crying on the staircase...
Begging you, 'Please don't go.'"
-Taylor Swift

November was moving by quickly and we found ourselves entering Thanksgiving break. There were no football games this week, but my dad still decided to hold practices since they were playing for the League title after the break.

The day after we got out of school for break, I went with my mom to the airport to pick up some family that was flying in.

I was excited because we were picking up my Aunt Jane, Uncle Gavin, and their kids, Alice and Soren.

Alice and Soren are three and six, but I absolutely love them so much because they are absolutely adorable.

So when they all walked out of the airport, I opened my arms wide, and Alice jumped right into them. I laughed as she wrapped her arms around my neck. She is only three so I was rather surprised she even really remembered who I am.

"Ainsley! It's great to see you!" said Jane, my dad's sister.

"Hi! How have you been?" I asked as I set Alice down.

"Good! So I hear you have a new boyfriend!"

I felt my cheeks turn red and I glared at my mom, who got all excited. "Oh, Jane! He is just amazing!" my mom exclaimed. "He's the quarterback on the football team and such a gentleman! Nick is having the team and their families over on Tuesday for dinner; you can meet him then!"

"Mom!" I cried.

Jane smiled. "Nick approves of her dating one of his players!? That's new!"

We began to walk to the car while my mom explained the whole situation and how my relationship with Ryder was not to be brought up around my dad.

A while later, we arrived back at our house. My aunt and uncle took Soren and Alice upstairs so they could unpack while my dad served my mom and me lunch.

"When is the rest of the family coming in?" I asked. Every year, we host Thanksgiving because we have the biggest house, so it's easier for us to accommodate everyone.

"Wednesday. I figured it would be too chaotic to have everyone here while we host the team dinner," Dad explained.

I was honestly not too excited for the dinner since it will be difficult for me to hangout with Ryder with my dad being around. Then again, our moms will be here and they will help us sneak around, so maybe it won't be all that bad.


So when Tuesday rolled around, I got dressed for dinner. I wore a brown fedora hat with a white sweater and a tan plaid skirt. To complete the look, I wore boots.

I made my way downstairs to where my mom and Jane were setting the table.

"All dressed up for Ryder?" my mom questioned as she glanced up from her work.

"You're done," I replied as I turned on my heel immediately.

I found Alice in the living room and she was playing with toys, so I sat with her until a bunch of cars began to park along the driveway.

A moment later, lots of voices could be heard throughout the house, so I took Alice's hand, and we made our way to where they were coming from.

The foyer was crowded by many families. I picked up Alice and maneuvered my way through the many people so I could find Ryder.

Finally, I found him and his family, but my mom and Jane had already beat me to him. I set down Alice and she ran right up to her mom, but shied away when she saw Ryder's family.

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