(28) We Are the Champions

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"We are the champions.
We are the champions.
No time for losers.
'Cause we are the champions of the world."

On the second day, when we arrived at the complex, we were surprised to see many people from our school ready to watch.

Landen led us to our court, and I was even more surprised to see Ryder. He sat with Braxton and they waved when they saw Lacey and me.

Since my dad had not yet arrived, I hurried over to where they sat. Ryder pulled me into his arms and kissed my forehead.

"Good luck," he said with a smile before pushing me back towards the court.

And so, our first two games were incredibly successful. We won both of them, but the other teams did not make it easy. However, because we won, we were on our way to play for first... and the state title.

We all stood in our huddle, shaking with nerves, because we are about to play for a state title.

"Nothing hits the ground and make sure to follow through with your hits," said Landen, while aiming a pointed look at Becca and Georgia because they had a few hits last game where they hit the ball all the way out since they did not follow through.

Cheers erupted from the crowd as we ran onto the court a few minutes later. Two student sections had formed and they were going absolutely wild.

"This is our game. We can beat this team," said Becca as we set up for serve.

Katie served the ball over and they returned it. A rally soon started, but we won the point when they hit it out.

"Use it!" Georgia exclaimed as we came together in a huddle.

The first set was a close one, but we came out on top with a score of 25-23.

During the second set, the score stayed close. Cheers from the opposing student section sounded out as their Libero attacked from the back row. However, I dove for it... except I felt my knee twist in a way it shouldn't.

I rolled out of the dive and winced in pain as I stood back up, but I continued to play.

Unfortunately, we lost the set and when we came off the court, Landen pulled me aside. He pointed at the bench and I flopped onto it and pulled down my knee pad so my knee could be checked over.

"You're sitting out of this set."

"Fair enough," I mumbled as the trainer handed me ice.

Madelyn, a sophomore, went in to play for me. She was playing incredibly well.

Madi and I have been somewhat close this season because we both play passing positions, so I've gotten to know her really well.

When she came off the court, I gave her a big hug. "You are doing so well!"

She smiled and hugged me back. "How is your knee feeling?"

"Fine right now, but I'm worried about making it worse if I go back on."

"I hope you can go back on... this is really nerve racking."

"You don't seem very nervous," I commented.

"I guess, but I haven't played all season and now I'm playing for a state title."

I laughed softly and sat back in my chair. "Yeah, that's understandable, but you are playing so well!"

By the end of the set, we had won again. Landen had Madelyn play again.

Tensions in the gym were high and people were going crazy the entire set. I think it threw Madi off because she struggled throughout the whole set.

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