(36) traitor

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"Guess you didn't cheat but you're still...
You're still a traitor."
-Olivia Rodrigo

On Friday, I flew over to Fresno with Everett and Annalise for the game. I could not be more excited because I was about to see Ryder again.

I knew for a fact it was fate bringing us back together - I mean how could it not be? Out of all the teams in California, Beverly plays Ryder's.

"So Ainsley," said Everett.

I glanced up at him from where I sat in my window seat. He sat at a desk with his laptop open.

"I understand you're incredible when it comes to making calls and criticizing technique," he said.

I sat back in my chair and shrugged. "I'm alright I guess."

He chuckled and held up a field pass. "Would you be willing to help out Cato's team?" he asked.

"Cato already asked. I don't want to," I mumbled.

"Why not?"

"He is playing against my old school's team! I can't just go against them like that."

Everett shrugged. "But think about it... you can get back at your dad. I know he didn't send you to LA just for better sports opportunities. Come on, do it to get back at him."

"And after all, you'll only be working with Cato and critiquing his throws. That's all."

I sat quietly for a minute before standing up and taking the field pass from him. "When you put it that way, I guess I can help out."

He smiled at me and nodded. "Perfect. Thanks so much, Ainsley."


Cheers could be heard from the stadium as I stood beside Cato. The coaches were going over a play before the team was to head onto the field for their warm up.

Excitement was all I felt since I knew Ryder and I were in the same place.

A moment later, the coaches stepped aside and the boys put on their helmets. Then, music began to play as the announcers announced the team. Cato led them out onto the field as the crowd burst into cheers.

Next, my dad's team was announced and I could feel my stomach twist with excitement as the crowd went crazy once more.

I took a deep breath as the football staff began to walk towards the field, so I followed them. Since the game was in a college stadium, it was completely packed with a bunch of people. I would say every seat was filled.

A smile spread onto my face when I saw many of my friends from my old school, and then I scanned the field for Ryder. He stood on the sidelines talking to my dad. So, I didn't even bother to look in that direction.

As I waited for the game to start, I kept a firm eye on Cato and how he threw. In all honesty, he's an incredibly good player. He'll be tough to beat tonight.

So just as the kick off was about to happen, Cato jogged over to me and slipped his helmet off.

"Good throwing. I don't have anything to say for now," I said.

He smiled and took a drink from his water bottle. "Thanks. I like to make your job easy."

I rolled my eyes and looked at the field. "In that case, keep your elbow up. You're dropping it too low."

Cato chuckled and gave me a side hug. "You can be a pain, Ains."

"Whatever. Just get onto the field," I responded since the ball had just been kicked off.

He pulled his helmet back onto his head before jogging onto the field. I slipped my headset on and gazed out across the field... I could just barely see Ryder because I was able to make out the number '10' on his jersey. I wondered if he was able to see me too.

"Ainsley, Buffalo Blue," said the head coach, Steve.

I looked at my play sheet and Buffalo Blue was a running play. So, as the ball was hiked, I watched as Cato executed the play perfectly, and kept his elbow up.

The receiver of the ball ran the ball far down the field before getting tackled by Mason. Cheers thundered from the Beverly side of the stadium because we advanced right into touchdown range after only the first play.

"Alright. Good job. I have nothing to say except fake a throw and hand the ball off," I said as I walked up the sideline with some of the other coaches.

Cato sent a thumbs up in my direction and when the ball was snapped, he did as I said. Juking the defense, they barely noticed when Cato passed the ball behind his back to one of his players, who ran the ball right into the end zone.

I smiled as Cato jogged off the field and the kicker earned us another point.

"Good call, Coach," Cato grinned.

"Good playing, Quarterback," I responded. 

Next, Ryder took the field. Cato remained beside me, arms crossed and glaring.

"Lighten up, C," I said as the ball was snapped.

However, Ryder fumbled with the ball, and as he went to throw, he was brought down easily by a Beverly player. As that happened, Cato smiled down at me.

"Alright," he said.

"Cato, be nice," I snapped as the players on the field reset.

He rolled his eyes and put his helmet back on just as the ball was snapped once more.

I watched as no one managed to get open so Ryder tried to run down the field, except he was pushed out of bounds towards us. The Beverly defense pushed him all the way out of bounds and he skidded to a stop right in front of Cato and me.

I felt my breath hitch as he looked down at me, but he did not smile. Instead, he only stared at me before turning right on his heel and walking back onto the field.  

"Great guy, huh?" Cato bit. I bit my lip as I glanced up at Cato, and his expression softened. "I'm sorry, Ains... you know how I feel about you and your relationship with him," he murmured as he wrapped an arm around me for a hug.

"He was just caught up in the moment. It's fine," I replied, saying it as if I was trying to reassure myself rather than Cato.

Cato stayed silent but remained beside me until he had to take the field shortly after.

The game also went by quickly. Beverley only widened the gap in the score, and by the end, it was 42-6. Embarrassing for my dad and his team.

So when the crowd crashed onto the field, I ran to find Ryder, because maybe what happened during the game was a misunderstanding.

I ran through the groups of people that had gathered until I finally saw my old friend group; Lacey, Braxton, Becca, Jadyn, many of the football and volleyball players, and of course, Ryder.

Ryder's back was to me, but Jadyn saw me. He nudged Ryder's arm, who then turned to look at me. Expecting him to be excited to see me, I was a little surprised when he didn't even smile. All he did was look me up and down with a look of annoyance.

However, before I could respond, Cato had swept me up into his arms.

"Ainsley! You're amazing," he cried as he held me close.

I glanced up at him from where he held me in his arms and his face seemed to fall. "What's wrong?"

My lip began to quiver as I nodded in the direction of Ryder who was not even pointing a look in our direction.

"I'll say something," he whispered, "but only if you want me too."

"It's okay... I probably deserve it," I responded as the Beverly players and fans surrounded us to celebrate.

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