(22) Superman

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"He's not all bad like his reputation."
-Taylor Swift

With Halloween only being days away, tonight's student section theme for the football game is Halloween costumes.

Lacey and I decided to dress up as space cowgirls. We both wore pink hats, skirts, and crop tops. To add to the look, I wore aesthetic pink glasses.

"Don't you look adorable!" Becca exclaimed as we took our seats in the student section. She was dressed in the 90s aesthetic.

"No you!" I responded as I gave her a hug and posed for the student who was taking yearbook pictures.

"So why aren't you on the field?" she asked.

I rolled my eyes and looked down at my dad, who had just walked onto the field after receiving a loud applause. I haven't talked to him much this week.

"My dad said I'm a distraction to the team."

She snorted a laugh. "Yeah, right. They all know their places. If anything, you distract Ryder but it seems he plays better with you on the field."

"That's what I'm saying but I can't just tell my dad that. He probably thinks I'd be a jinx if I dated one of the boys."

"Well, you are," she said.

"Not necessarily," I mumbled.


"He hasn't exactly asked. . . nor am I sure if he ever will," I said.

She smiled and shook her head. "Supposedly he talks about you all the time. That's what Jadyn says. The boy is in love with you or something. Just give him some time. You know how boys are."

"That's actually true. I just hope things work out. I really like him and I would hate for us to end up as a failed talking stage."

"Once again, he is pretty much in love with you. Don't worry."


"This sucks! We should be winning," I mumbled defeatedly as a ball slipped through Jackson's hands, resulting in a fumble.

Becca nodded in agreement, keeping her eyes firm on the field.

On the next play, Ryder threw a bad ball, making it hard for Braxton to catch. As a result, the opposing student section started to mock him about being one of the top quarterbacks, but not being able to throw properly.

"That was one bad throw out of like 50!" I cried while throwing my hands up.

"Jeez, Ains!" Lacey said.

I sat back on the bleachers and crossed my arms. "Screw this."

The game was a hard one to watch. Ryder played well for the most part, but there were still so many errors.

"We can kiss sections goodbye," I seethed as the time ran out in the fourth quarter and the atmosphere surrounding our school seemed to sink. The team took their helmets off, some threw them to the ground in anger, while the crowd sat silently.

I watched as Ryder removed his helmet and made his way to the fence surrounding the track.

"I think he's looking for you," whispered Becca as he glanced up into the student section.

"Her dad," Lacey mocked.

I glanced out onto the field. My dad was walking away with the other coaches so I decided to greet Ryder. I pushed myself through the crowded section and made it to Ryder.

He picked me up and lifted me easily over the fence before giving me a big hug.

"I'm sorry. I'm sure that was hard for you to watch."

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