(41) One Of Us

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"They passed me by...
All of those great romances.
You were I felt,
Robbing me of my rightful chances."

"Ains! How are you!?" Lacey exclaimed as she threw her arms around me.

It has been about two and a half months since my injury. I'm on the road of recovery since my surgery was last month, so that's good. Cato and I are doing well, and better yet, Lacey is visiting for the weekend.

"I'm really good considering all things. How about you?" I asked as we made our way out of the airport and to the car.

"I'm well... Braxton and I decided to take a break but other than that, things are good back home."

I was rather surprised to hear about her and Braxton. She's liked him since the first day of freshman year.

Although, I also realized that I know just about nothing of what is going on back home. I lost contact with most of those people. Even Lacey, I was struggling to text her just because of how busy I am.

"I'm sorry. You two will figure it out... but how is it at home?" I asked.

She shrugged. "I hate it. It would be so much better if you came back. I want to quit soccer because the team is so horrible and all the boys are obsessing over one girl, which I think is why Braxton left."

"Is it Katie?" I asked with a slight laugh.

"Worse," she responded.

I raised my eyebrows. Worse!? How could that even be?

"Her name is Ella. She is worshipped by all the guys, so they act like complete jerks to the rest of us girls."

"What's so special about her?"

"She's literally you, but a bitch. None of the guys notice it either," she whined.

"Literally me?" I repeated.

Lacey nodded. "Like right after you left, she came. She looks just like you and plays soccer and volleyball."

"Ryder must love her," I commented.

"You have no idea. He hasn't confirmed his feelings for her yet, but it's so obvious. And she likes him back too! She is so obsessed with him. All the guys secretly-not-so-secretly hate him for it," she said, clearly annoyed.

I was not even upset when she shared the news about Ryder because he was right. It was not love. We simply moved too fast.

I laughed softly. "Just live with me. The people in LA are just as rude, but at least we could be together again."

"Think I won't?" she challenged.




"Dude, I haven't seen you this excited about a girl since Ainsley," Braxton commented as I described my prom-proposal for Ella to him.

I did not deny that I was excited about Ainsley because that was the truth. I mean, who would not be excited about Nick Sloane's daughter liking you.

However, that is most definitely not the case anymore.

"Yeah... and you're sure no one else has asked her?" I asked.

Braxton chuckled. "Several people did, including me. We all got rejected though. I say you should just shoot your shot considering she actually likes you."

Ella has made her feelings for me very clear. I, on the other hand, chicken out whenever it comes to telling her. However, I know these feelings are legit because I took my time sorting them out, and I'm ready to be with her.

"Alright, I'll do it tomorrow. Let me know if her prom date status changes though."

Braxton chuckled. "No chance that'll happen, but of course."

So the next day, at the girls' soccer game, I stood with Tessa and my parents.

"So who is the girl?" asked my mom.

"Number 12, right there. Her name is Ella," I said as I pointed to where Ella was playing on the field.

I don't think my mom is too keen on me getting into another relationship so soon. For whatever reason, she absolutely adores Ainsley despite all she has done.

"Is that not Ainsley?" she questioned as she squinted and craned her neck so she could get a better look.

"No, Mom," I jeered.

"Well, she is very pretty... but you're sure you want to ask her to prom?"

I rolled my eyes and took the bouquet of flowers from her. "Positive. I don't see the problem."

"Well, there is none, it's just so recent after you and Ainsley broke up. Are you sure you have moved on? That girl looks exactly like Ainsley."

"Yes, Mom. I am sure. Have you moved on?"

She rolled her eyes and adjusted my hair. "I'm happy as long as you're happy."

As soon as the timer for the game ran out, I met Braxton at the field. With Lacey being back from her LA trip, we decided to ask the girls together.

Braxton figured this would be a good way to rekindle what they had as he finally accepted the fact that Ella will never be with him.

For this, we got a few of the football players to help us out, so when the game had ended, we made our way down to the field.

They got arranged on the sidelines of the field as they each held a sign which had a letter that spelled out 'prom?'

Braxton and I stood on either side with the flowers, and when the girls got out of their huddle (they looked rather defeated considering they just took a 6-2 loss), Lacey and Ella both turned to us.

A smile spread onto Ella's face as she approached me. "Ryder... I would love to," she said with a big smile.

I returned the smile and handed her the flowers while the crowd cheered. Ella and I shared a hug, and when we pulled apart, we went to see Braxton and Lacey, but it was only Braxton still standing there. His flowers were on the ground and Lacey was walking off the field.




"Ains! I can't even with him! He asked me to prom!" Lacey exclaimed as she called me that night.

I sat with Cato on the couch, and he looked rather disappointed that our moment had been interrupted.

"That's a bad thing because?"

She huffed loudly. "Because it was so generic, and he piggy-backed on Ryder's proposal to Ella. Like, the fact that he even associated with asking me at the same time that Ella got asked just pisses me off!"

"Sometimes, you girls make no sense," Cato commented.

I playfully hit his arm. "Lace, I get it. If he wants you, he needs to put in effort. And the fact that he tries to ask you with Ella right there, the girl who he was obsessing over, is just so messed up. He needs to win you back."

"Exactly! Everyone says I'm being over dramatic, but he literally did that to make Ella jealous. I'm sure of it," she ranted.

"When's your prom?" I asked. "Cato and I can send a hot, state-champion player over for you," I giggled.

"That would be amazing. Please start looking for one," she said desperately which made me laugh.

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