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Name: Ayano Branwen

Age: 19

Height: 5'7

H/C: Black Hair With Red Highlights

E/C: Red

A/C: Red Core With Black Edges


Background: First Born Child Of Taiyang Xiao Long And Raven Branwen

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Background: First Born Child Of Taiyang Xiao Long And Raven Branwen.

Personality: Devoting herself completely on the promise made between herself and Raven, she desires to stay on the frontlines of any battle in order to cut down any enemy that threatens her family as it results in her forming a tendency to not value her own life when in battle. To insure that her missions won't go awry she has also formed the tendency of suppressing all of her emotions as a way to remain completely calm and level-headed to complete her missions with efficiency.

Likes: Sweets, Learning Swordplay, Her Family, Plushies (Secret Like)

Dislikes: Feeling Powerless, Her Family Being Harmed, Philosophy Of The Strong Devouring The Weak


Crimson Dawn-Katana Blade, which has a dust cartridge compartment located at the bottom of its hilt. This allows her blade to enhance itself with a variety of elemental abilities as the default element set for the weapon is fire.


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Lotus-Ability to transmute her Aura to match the qualities of fire as it can be used to increase her overall cutting power, create firey blade constructs suited for ranged combat, and create a secondary blade made enterily out of fire as it can be used alongside her main weapon.


Feathered Raven-

Feathered Raven-

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Bio End~

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