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Descending at high speeds towards the Emerald Forest, each academy applicant utilizes their own unique landing strategies as Jaune being the only one in a panic simply flails about in the air.

Pyrrha with her weapon in sword form and armed with a shield, crashes through multiple trees and rolls onto a branch, immediately shifting her blade into a rifle and looking through the scope at Jaune as he continues to scream and flail helplessly.

The spartan warrior then shifts the rifle into a spear and upon some estimation on the throw, tosses the javelin deep into the forest until a loud "THUNK!" is heard.

Jaune: (in the distance) Thank you!

Pyrrha: (waving) I'm sorry!

Coming down into multiple locations, all the other applicants land into the Emerald Forest as amongst them Stella proceeds to speed by with a wind stream trailing behind her.

This doesn't go unnoticed as a figure hidden in the forest greenery quietly follows after.

In the middle of the forest, Ruby comes down in a crouch and then darts off with a single mantra racing through her mind.

Ruby: (thinking) Gotta find them. Gotta find them. Gotta find them. (yelling aloud) Ayano! Yang! Where are you two!? (thinking about other options) Ok, if I can't find them I'll have to try to at least find someone I know.

Ruby: (as the imaginary scenarios play out in her mind) Jaune could work out. He's nice. He's funny! I don't think he'll be all that good in a fight, though. Ooh! What about Blake?! So mysterious, so calm with the added bonus of being a fellow story book lover! Then again, I'm not sure I'd be able to hold a conversation with her.

Ruby: Ugh, come on Ruby think of someone! Wait, Stella could work out. She's nice and seems to be pretty talented, working with her could play out perfectly. (grins) Ok, time to go find he-

The teen abruptly comes to a sudden halt and locks eyes with the last person in Beacon that she expected to see this soon.

Ruby/Weiss: (thought) You can't be serious.

Both girls remain to have a deer caught in the highlights gaze until Weiss turns on her heel and walks the other way.

Ruby: (thought) Guess just pretending to not see each other could work.

The Schnee Heiress continues her trek through the forest, getting more agitated as she continues to push away some of the greenery until a voice above could be heard.

Jaune: (struggling to free himself) Come on, come on! Stupid...!

Weiss sees the blonde teen attempting to free the spear Pyrrha stabbed into his hood during his freefall. He gives up and upon seeing the Heiress, waves awkwardly.

Jaune: Hehe, little help?

The Schnee heads back in the direction she came from leaving Jaune to groan in dejection.

Weiss: (thoughts) I am a Schnee. In order for me to advance my partner needs to be exceptional in everyway.

Appearing behind the seemingly distracted Heiress, a lone Beowolf goes in for the attack.

The attack creates a crater on the ground as Weiss stands behind the Beowolf, completely unharmed by the attack.

Weiss: Grimm. (takes out Myrtenaster) My, what perfect timing.

Weiss: (stands en garde) You've caught me in quite a terrible mood. Here I come.

She goes in for a rapier thrust only for a second Beowolf to emerge behind her.

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