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Third Person POV:

On a cliffside, with a clear view of an ocean below stands a family. The father is known as Taiyang Xiao Long, who has blond hair and piercing blue eyes as a notable feature is a firey emblem tattooed on his right arm. Next to him stands a young woman known as Raven Branwen, who has black hair and blood red eyes as she has a scabbard for an Odachi blade strapped to her waist.

Standing between the couple is a young girl, who's no older than two years old with black hair and red eyes that are a lighter shade compared to her mother's. The family is currently in awe of the sun setting by the horizon.

Taiyang: What do you think of the view Ayano?

Ayano: It's really pretty. The sun set is the same color as mommy's eyes.

Raven: T-That's not true.

Ayano: It is true. Everytime I see the sunset it will remind me of you.

Taiyang: Guess I'll do the same. The sun set really does match your eyes Raven.

The two share a warm smile as Raven blushes from the show of affection and turns her head. She is seen quickly wiping her eyes before turning back to them.

Raven: (to Ayano) It...matches your eyes too, my daughter.

Ayano smiles to her mother as Raven can't help but form her own smile.

Taiyang: It's getting late, we should head back and have dinner.

Raven: Right...

Taiyang: (taking Ayano's hand as the two start to walk away until he turns back to see Raven still staring at the sunset) You coming, Raven?

Raven: I will just...give me a moment.

Taiyang: Alright, we'll meet you back at the house.

Y/N: Be safe mommy.

The two depart as Raven looks down and clenches her fist in frustration. Her anger soon subsides as she places a hand on her stomach with a somber expression.

Raven: Not yet...

Two years past as Raven and Ayano are standing over a crib, which has a young girl with blond hair and lilac eyes sleeping peacefully within it.

Raven: (sighs) Finally, I just don't understand where she got all this energy. (turns to Ayano) You would fall asleep as soon as I put you in the crib.

Ayano: Guess she must've got it from Daddy.

Raven: Right, your father always did match Summer's energy when we were a team.

Ayano: Is daddy really coming back from his mission tonight?

Raven: Yeah, he wanted to finish it quickly so he can make it to your little sister's birthday tomorrow.

Ayano: (holding a bumblebee doll) Will Yang like the gift I got her?

Raven: I'm sure she will. (exits the room motioning for her first daughter to follow suit) Come on, let's set up dinner so your father can relax and eat once he gets home.

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