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Daylight gradually begins to radiate the Ballroom as amongst the academy candidates, Ayano is the first one to rise.

The lone Branwen looks around to see Yang and Ruby are asleep, giving Ayano the opportunity to gently pat their heads as the red-eyed sibling then proceeds to exit the room.

Outside to the campus, Noah now dressed in more casual attire is out running until he notices Ayano practicing sword stances.

The Heir quietly comes over and takes a seat down on the grass to observe Ayano's ongoing exercising session.

Ayano: (slashing the air) Do you have to watch?

Noah: (tossing some grass around) It gives me something to do. Plus, I get a good view when your sword isn't aimed near my throat.

Ayano: (deadpan) I've never done that to you.

Noah: It was just an expression. You have anything planned once Initiation starts?

Ayano: Make sure Ruby and Yang get through it.

Noah: Do you doubt their skills?

Ayano: Not at all, they can handle themselves but anything could happen out there.

Noah: That's true.

Ayano: Are you worried about Stella?

Noah: Mmm. Only the teammates part, the combat requirements won't pose much trouble for her.

Ayano: I feel the same way about Ruby.

Noah: It'd be pretty ironic, if they ended up in a team together.

Ayano: It would. I don't doubt they would make a good team.

Noah: I mean we made a pretty good team back at Signal Academy.

Ayano: Kasumi was the main one keeping the group together.

Noah: Heh, you're right. I remember our first team combat session.

Ayano: It was sloppy and disorganized.

Noah: Yeah, I definitely didn't help out with that.

Ayano: I'm pretty sure you accidentally shot Mark in the back a couple times.

Noah: Yeah..."accidentally".

Ayano: Are you still mad at him?

Noah: He tried to ask you out on a date the very moment we both decided to slow down a bit. Why wouldn't I be pissed about that?

Ayano: Hmm.

Suddenly, the Beacon Academy intercom speakers begin to sound as Glynda proceeds to instruct that all the first-year candidates get ready in the locker room.

Noah: Guess, it's time. (stands up)

Ayano: Noah.

Noah: Hmm-(receives a kiss from Ayano)

Ayano: Good luck. (leaves)

Noah: (blushing) Y-You too.

Now in the locker room, all the first-year applicants continue to ready themselves for the upcoming Initiation.

Yang: (to Ruby) You seem to be happier this morning.

Ruby: Yep! No more awkward small talk and getting yelled at. Today, I get to let my sweetheart do all the talking for me. (hugs Crescent Rose)

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