- Chapter 2 -

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AN: First book do not judge please!! If you are enjoying the book so far and want more of these then check out their instas (look on info)!

- - - - - - MORNING - - - - - -
Valerie's POV

"How is the project coming along Val?" Mom asked me, coming into my room with my favorite snack, grapes. "Pretty good! I'm getting a lot of work done" I said, popping a grape in my mouth making an oddly satisfying sound "Well that's good. Okay I have to wash the dishes, have fun" She pecked my cheek and headed out. I picked up my brush and continued painting.

After a few minutes I hear a soft knock on my door "Come in!" I shouted making sure they could hear me "Hey~" It was Violet and a cute little girl "Aw, Who's that?" The little girl looked around with her eyes open wide "I'm babysitting so I could earn extra cash for this new backpack. Her name is Lilian Fox" Violet replied sitting down "Hi Lilian!" Her eyes sparkled and her smile made me smile. She was so cute. "H-He-lo" She said struggling to get the words out of her mouth. I giggled and picked her up "Wow you're good with kids Val," Vi said. I was mesmerized by every inch of her, I snapped out of it "Oh yeah. I babysat a few children during middle school" - "Make sense."

- - - - - - SCHOOL - - - - - -
Violets POV

"Turn your book to page 278" My history teacher shouted. All I could hear was books slapping onto the table and pages turning. I turned my head to the window thinking it'll ease my mind from such noise. The more I looked at the trees and mountains the more I thought about Zian. Zian reminded me of trees. Trees are beautiful with leaves hanging from their arms and all the different shapes. Trees are imperfectly perfect. He is beautiful. He has a muscular body and the most perfect jawline. His eyes are gorgeous. He is perfect.

"Class dismissed!" I heard my teacher shout, making my ears ring. "Okay jeez" I muttered to myself and started packing my things.

I headed out the classroom and looked around for Valorie. I walked further until I bumped into something that felt hard as a rock "Ouch.." I rubbed my head and looked up. It was Zian "Sorry" His husky voice called out "O-oh no It's fine" I smiled and ran away trying not to look back. Why am I so stupid? Why did I run? Questions flooded into my mind until a hand gripped my wrist. "Woah! You okay?" Valerie asked, grabbing both my shoulders and I nodded while the questions floated away. I was relieved she was there.

- - - - - - AFTER SCHOOL - - - - - -

"Hey" Angelo said walking up to Valarie "Hi?" She turned to him with a confused tone "So..Whos house?" I hear a familiar voice behind me. Shit. "Valarie's house" I said. "But-" I stopped her by taking Zian's keys out of his pocket. They all followed while I tried to find out how to start up the car. It took me five minutes to find the button. During that time I noticed Valerie holding her laugh in. I pressed against the back pedal "Violet?" - "Shush, I'm trying to focus" I interrupted Zian. He giggled, making me try even harder to get out of the parking lot.

I finally got out of the parking lot. I pressed the engine gently and we were going as slow as a turtle. "Go faster!" I hear Angelo yell out making me stop. I turned my body to face him "Open your mouth again and I won't hesitate to stitch your big mouth shut." He gulped after I finished my sentence, making my point clear. I went back to focus on driving.

It took us about an hour to reach Valerie's house since the speed I was going was not as fast as normal cars. I put in the passcode and went inside. Zian groaned "That was long" He stretched his arms and sat on the coach. I looked at his handsome face, before I knew it, I had already started zoning out.

He catches me staring and looks directly into my eyes but I still hadn't moved or realized. "You good?" He asked as I blinked a few times finally coming back to reality "Mhm." I walked over to the coach and sat next to Zian. "I'm tired," Zian said as he leaned his head on my shoulder. "Anything wrong today?" Valerie asked, walking into the living room changing her facial expressions when she saw Zian's head on my shoulder. She gave me a smirk. I shook my head no to her question then gently got up. I walked over to Valerie, taking her to her room.

"So...Vi, what's wrong?" Valerie asked, knowing something was wrong. I took a deep, deep breath and poured everything on Valerie. "I don't know what's wrong. Everytime I see him I get so pink and...and I'm so nervous around him. And the little things he does for me and to me gives me funny feelings in my stomach and I don't know what it means! I keep thinking about him and I just can't even focus anymore when he's around."- "AHHHH!" Valerie screamed, making the boys run into the room. The boys looked at us with concerned looks, "Sorry. I just got excited because our old friend is coming back," Valerie said, answering their concerned looks. The boys nodded and left. "Do you think it's a crushy or are you falling in love?!" Valerie asked, making me blush with her question. I walked out of the room and saw Valerie's mom looking at the boys with her arms crossed. "Imo," I said. "Violet, nice seeing you again," Valerie's mom replied, turning to me with a smile. "Eomma," Valerie said. "These boys are our friends and our partners for the art project with the seniors. This guy, Angelo, is my partner and this guy, Zian, is Violet's partner." Imo (Valerie's mom) nodded and said "alrighty then I'll prepare some snacks."

We continued our painting of the boys and Valerie's mom came from time to time to check in and bring in snacks. As the clock hit 5:30, we decided we were done for today. I said bye to Imo and Valerie and got into the car, sitting in the shotgun seat. Zian dropped Angelo off first since his place was on the way to mine. When he left, it was just me and Zian. "So, who is the old friend of yours coming back?" Zian asked, breaking the awkward silence we had since Angelo left. By the time I was going to answer we got to my place. "See you tomorrow!" I said looking at him with a smile.


AN: I am so sorry for demolishing the driving part! We don't drive yet. Since its the weekend we will be writing as much as we can to keep you guys entertained! We are more active on insta during the week. So stay tuned. We'll maybe add a little plot twist ;)♡︎ J&F

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