- Chapter 7 -

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The most hellist class finally ended, I thought as I walked to Violet's class. We haven't talked since our hangout. She and I have both been busy. "Playing hard to get I see," I heard a familiar voice say. I saw Violet look annoyed at HIM. Just as he was about to hug Violet I stopped him. "What do you think you're doing?" I said, in a tone I've never spoken with around Violet. The guy looked at me and said "All yours," as he started to back away. I glared at him, "see you later cutie" he said, walking away. "Hey~!" Violet said as she hugged me. She looked at me with a frown when I didn't hug her back, "what's wrong?" she asked. "Why were you hanging out with him?" "He's my partner for an English project," she replied, sounding annoyed that he was her partner. I took a couple breaths and hugged Violet just as she was going to let go. I hugged her tight. I want to protect her. I want to keep her safe. I want to keep her close. My cuore mio.


"Are you okay?" I ask, as he let go of his hug. "I'm fine. Just not comfortable with Oliver being near you." I want to know why but I don't think he wants to open up about it. "When are you meeting up with Oliver?" "Today," I answered. "I'm coming with you. Where?" "Sure! At the library," I replied. He seems worried about me. "Alright. Let's go," he said, taking my hands. He drove me to the library and when we got there, Oliver was there already. "Hey darling!" Oliver said, waving at me. "Don't flirt with me. I'm warning you," I said, looking annoyed. "No can do cutie." "When a lady says don't, DON'T," Zian said. Oliver backed away. I'm glad I agreed to him coming along.

We went to the library and worked on our story. We decided on writing a fictional story about kids starving in the world. Well, I decided. The whole time in the library Zian and Oliver were staring at each other. Zian made sure Oliver kept his distance from me. "What's your problem man? I am just getting close to Violet. Aren't you a bit too protective? Or are the rumors of you guys dating true?" Oliver said. It seems Zian opened the lock to Oliver's patience. "You know damn well why I'm doing this," Zian replied. "You still blame me for what happened to that bitch," Oliver said. "Don't call her a bitch." I noticed Zian starting to get angry. I've never seen him angry before. "Zian," I said, holding his hands. Zian stormed out of the library leaving me with Oliver. "We're done for today. Actually I can finish everything myself. Just read the part you'll be reading in front of the class," I said as I packed up, wanting to catch up with Zian. I got outside the library and saw Zian in his car. "Zian..." I said, opening that car door. He didn't say anything the whole ride.

"Zian...you know you can talk to me," I said when I got out of his car. "I know Vi...but right now I'll just need some space," he replied. I nodded and he drove off.


"Vi are you okay? You look tired and down," Valerie said, walking with Angelo. "Diaz! What's up?" Angelo asked as Valerie stops him from talking. "I'm ok Val. Just tired from finishing the English project," I said with a smile. "Isn't your partner Oliver? He didn't help you?" Valerie asked with a concerned look. "Wait Oliver Gomez?" Angelo asked. "Yeah," Valerie replied. "Why?" "It's nothing," Angelo replied. "Vi I haven't seen you with Zian much these past 2 days." "Uhh..." "Did you guys have a fight? Did he do something to you? Angelo where is your best friend?" - "Val, we didn't fight. He wants space so I'm giving it to him." "Valerie, I don't know where my best friend is. Why did he need space?" Angelo added in. I told them from the start how protective Zian started to be when he found out Oliver is my partner for a project. Andll how Oliver called someone bitch and Zian stormed out the library after telling him not to call the person a bitch. "Violet, I think you should go find him," Angelo said after taking my story in. "It's raining out. My best friend is not going to go look for someone who wants space for the time being." "Val, I think Zian needs someone right now. And in my opinion Violet is the best person to talk to him." "Why? Did something happen? Does it involve the person Oliver called a bitch?" Angelo nodded to my questions. "I don't know where Zian might be. Do you Violet?" "I think I might know but I don't know how to get there," I told him."I'll take you there. Just tell me where." The three of us all got into Angelo's car and drove to the place Zian took me. We saw his car when we got there. I told Valerie and Angelo to leave. Valerie refused but agreed after a bit of convincing from me and Angelo.

"Zian!" I said, running to the same place we had our hang out. "Violet! What are you doing here?" "I'm here for you idiot." He didn't reply. So, I slowly walked towards him but there was a gap between us. "What's wrong Zian? I know you know you can talk to me about anything. I'll listen and you talk. I'll laugh with you. I'll cry with and for you." He didn't reply again. Zian started walking towards me, closing the gap between us.


Violet's voice made me smile. She started walking towards me but left a gap. I was a bit disappointed but it was expected considering I didn't talk to her for 2 days. "What's wrong Zian? I know you know you can talk to me about anything. I'll listen and you talk. I'll laugh with you. I'll cry with and for you," she said. I couldn't say anything. Instead I walk towards her, closing the gap she left. I took her hands and pulled her closer to me. I hugged her tight. "You idiot. If you were going to come find me, at least dress warmly. It fucking raining," I said. I felt her smile when she moved her head into my chest.

"Here's my jacket. I keep an extra in my car," I said, handing it to her. "Thank you," she said with a smile. God, I miss that smile of hers. "Thank you for finding me." She just smiles. With just her smiles it brightens me enough to keep going. "Are you going to tell me the reason? You-um don't have to if you're not ready," she says. "It's fine," I said. "Okay." "I'll take you to a park nearby. We can talk there," I said. "Alright."


Zian hugged me in the rain for almost 10 minutes. I miss him. And it seems he does too. When we got to the park, Zian got out of the car first. He then opened the car door for me, giving his hand out for me to hold. I smiled and took his hand. I sat down and he sat next to me. "Umm...I don't like Oliver," he says, breaking the silence we had since we got to the park. "I can tell," I reply. "There's a reason for it..." he paused. I squeezed his hand that I was still holding. "Oliver dated my cousin. Her name was Elena," he said continuing on. "Was?" I said. "Was. She killed herself. I blame myself and Oliver for what happened." "Why do you think that?" I asked him. "Because the reason she started becoming depressed was right in front of me the whole time. And that was her boyfriend, Oliver. I know he loved her. I know he never meant to hurt her but because of him my cousin killed herself." I continue holding his hands as he tells me everything. "He became distant and controlling over Elena. And she let it happen. I was the closest to her and I didn't notice a thing. Now Oliver calls her a bitch, slut, hoe, and someone who he should have never dated. My cousin was none of those words. She was kind and loving. Her parents didn't give her much affection growing up so my family and I gave it to her. When she loves, she loves fully. And she expects the people she's loving to do the same," he said, starting to tear up. I let go of his hand. Instead I hugged him. "She sounds like a cheerful, happy, kind person who didn't deserve what happened to her," I said. Zian cried, as if he kept everything inside him for years. I pat his head, letting him know I'm here for him. "Thank you cuore mio. I've kept everything inside me. I thought keeping it inside will help me forget everything." I smile breaking from the hug, "you don't have to say thank you. I'll be here for you anytime." I smiled at Zian and he smiled back at me.

"Shit! It's raining again," Zian said. "It's fine! Let's just hangout in the rain," I tell him. "Fine! But don't get sick. If you do, I'll get mad at you," Zian tells me. I smile. We stood up and Zian offered his hand. He started twirling me around. "What are you doing?" I asked, giggling. "Nothing. Just missed you these passed 2 days," he says as he stopped the dancing and gave me a back hug. "What is our relationship?" I ask him. "I don't know. But you're the only person I've done these things with. And shared things too," he answered. "I'm honored," I say.

Zian turned me around so I'm facing him. He took me by my waist and pulled me closer. He moves his head closer. And I do the same. "Violet! Zian!" I heard Valerie call out. Zian and I quickly pulled away and held hands.

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