First day Part 2

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Erins POV -
My school life is probably a lot different to my sisters. I know a lot of people and I have lots of friends. I'm the head cheerleader which I guess helps with my popularity. I love my sister so much and I love spending time with her but we don't talk much anymore.

We're very different she's very smart , does not have many friends and is kinda bullied ( which I feel horrible for ) . I'm not the smartest person, very well liked and well respected but I could be nicer to people sometimes

When I walk around school I see my sister getting picked on and I know that I could make it all go away in a flash if I told them she was my sister , but I would lose my rep and I could get bullied also which is
Something I don't want

I do cheer most days after school and I really enjoy it , I'm very good as my mum put me in lessons when I was younger. Kim plays hockey and does track but she would not dare put on a cheer uniform.

When I had practice today I noticed that a new girl wanted to try out. She was pretty and had light brown hair like mine and brown eyes like my sister. She had a really nice Voice and just sounded like a all together nice girl

" hey I'm Natalie , would I be able to try out " Natalie said while smiling
" hi Natalie I'm Erin yeah you can come with me and I'll get you set up " we walked over in front of everyone

" ok guys this is Natalie and she is going to be trying out " I said while everyone watched me
" ok Natalie show us what you got " I said as I walked to the side

She was amazing she could do so many flips and tricks so well and when we did some lifts she was able to do them perfectly. I knew that she was definitely going to be on the team as she looked the part and she could definitely play the part

After practice that day I walked home and listens to music. When I got home I knew that Kim would be home but didn't think my dad would. I walked in and I could hear sounds from unstairs to just thought it was just Kim playing music but when I got closer I heard that it was crying

Kim usually makes you knock on the door before going in but today I walked in a saw her on the floor with her head in between her knees crying. I felt my heart drop as I knew that it was about something had said to her

I bent down next to her and wrapped my arms around her until she gave in and wrapped hers around me. I ran my hand across her hair and rubbed her back until she stopped crying. She pulled back from me and rubbed her red eyes

" kimmy what happened are you ok " I asked moving some of her hair out of her face
" I'm fine Erin leave me alone " Kim said as she pushed herself out of my arms
" no you not Kim tell me why you were crying " I asked banging on the bathroom door
" nothing Erin I'm just on my period " kim said while calming herself down

I didn't believe that but I knew that there was a possibility that it could be true and I was not about to fight her on that as it would not have been pretty and ended in a big fight.

I decided that I would just make a start on dinner as I was going out with some fiends after. I just made some spag ball and called Kim down for it but when she didn't come I went upstairs to get her.

" Kim dinners ready come on " I said knocking on her door
" I'm studying I'll have it later " she said

I went back downstairs and finnished mine before covering hers and leaving her a note that I was going out with a few friends. I didn't want to leave her alone as she was crying but I knew she was old enother to tell me if something was wrong

Kim's POV -
When I heard Erin leave I went downstairs and put what she had made me in the bin. I felt really bad but if I wanted to look like her I would have to skip a few meals first. When walking back up the stars I looked at a picture of me , Erin , mum and dad and burst into tears

I missed my mum so much and all I wanted was for her to hold me again. It had been 5 years and I still missed her like it was only yesterday. Erin and dad had moved on but I knew that I never could move on from it my mum was my world.

I went back up to my room and started doing my homework when I saw a text on my screen. I looked at it and saw it was on Instagram

Kylie🤩💓 - hi kimmy wanna do my homework for me , if not someone will be getting a beating tomorrow thanks fatty

I broke down in tears again after seeing it , why can't people just like me like they don't with my sister and not have to be mean to me. I got into bed and cried myself to sleep and didn't even bother staying up until Erin or my dad came home.

Erin's POV -

I'm screwed it's 10pm and my dad would be home and Kim would be pissed that I made her stay up late. When I approached the house I saw that there was not lights on and walked in as quiet as I could.

I went into the kitchen and saw that dad was not home yet so felt a bit of relief as I climbed the stairs. As I went past Kim's bedroom I saw that her light was of so presumed that she was in the shower or something.

I could not stop thinking about why Kim was crying earlier and if something bad had happened to her at school that day. I took my sketch book out and started working on what I was drawing. It was a picture of me , Kim and mum at the beach from when we went on holiday when we were kids.

Every since mums died Kim's never been the same. She's lost her natural smile and happiness. She's a lot quieter now and spends most of her free time studying instead of hanging with her fiends. I felt a tear drop from my eye as I Finished the drawing. I missed my family so much and I would do anything for my mum to be alive and for Kim to be happy again.

I notated that it was 11 o'clock so I put my book away before getting into my pjs and getting into bed. I covered myself in blankets before turning of the light. But before I slept I looked up at the black sky

" take care of Kim for me mum , she needs it " i said before closing my eyes

Note -
Hope your enjoying this story so far

I'm loving writing them

Thanks for reading

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