Kiss on the cheak

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Natalie's pov -
I've been hanging out with Kim a lot more now just the two of us and I really enjoy it. I don't have to pretend to be someone I'm not around her and I'm Able to be the real me. I think that I might have feelings for her but I don't think that she is gay or bi. She's just so perfect with her beautiful brown eyes and her wavey hair not to mention her body.

We were going out for dinner tonight so I decided that I was going to ask her if she wanted to be my girlfriend or at least try and fine out if she was into girls or not. We only had a half day today meaning I only had PE with Kim but Adam also had that so I wasn't alone with her.

I knew this was not how to get a girl but I was going to try anything so I wore clothes that were sexy and that could make her fall in love with me. I wore a push up which was a bit to small and a vest top so I could show of to her and a short skirt.

When in the car with my mum she said that I should wear a jumper so that I don't get the wrong attention and end up pregnant but little did she know I liked girls. When I got to school I went to my locker and got my chemistry books out and went to the table that we all sat at and saw Kev doing some homework.
" hey Kev what's up " I said while sitting down
" hey nat just doing my physics homework I kinda forgot about it and it's due today " Kev said laughing
" ahah Kim will help you with that she's good at it right " I said
" yeah Kim's very good at it she's one of the smartest in the class " Kev said
" I need to ask you something " I said
" shoot " Kev said looking up
" do you know if Kim likes girls in any way like if she's bi or gay " I said hopefully
" Kim doesn't like to label herself so I'm not to sure but she's never dated anyone " Kev said getting back with his work

The bell rang and I walked to chemistry and got my books out . We just had to do textbook work so it was boring but I just thought about me and Kim for the whole lesson. My next lesson was double PE with Kim and Adam so at least I would enjoy being with her.

I walked into the changing rooms and put my bag beside her and started talking to her. When she was changing I could not help but glance down and look at her. I could feel myself blush but tried not to think about it. I could feel her eyes on me while changing and felt hopeful that she would like me back and want to date me.

In PE we were doing hockey and saw Kim exited as she played. We got into teams and unlucky for me I was not with Kim but with people that I can not stand. I smiled at Kim before going back to our goal line to start the game. One of the girls in our class is on the cheer team with me and she's such a bitch and made me go on goal.

I wanted nothing more than for her to get her ankles smacked or for her to fall over. Kim hit the ball so hard from inside the d and it made such a noise when it hit the back of the goal. Even though she was not in my team I could feel myself blush seeing that she was happy

Me and the girl had a argument while playing and I could see her messing shots up to try and get me hurt. Someone on the other team sent the ball flying into the air and instead of her trying to stop the ball she hit it my way of her stick and the ball went flying into my head . I fell to the floor and felt my eyes closing while hearing someone shout my name.

Kim's pov -
We were playing hockey in PE today and I was happy at that as I am very good at it and it was a good way to show of and get Natalie to watch me. We were put on opiate teams which was a bit unfair but at least I could show of to her. I noticed that her and this other girl on her team were not getting alone and were shouting at each other a lot

We were almost done the lesson and one of the boys in my team flicked the ball and the ball hit of the girls stick and hit Natalie right on the head. I ran over to her after seeing her fall and notated that her eyes were closed. I shake her shoulders to try and wake her but nothing. I shouted at people to get out gym teacher
" nat come on wake up please " I said starting to cry

Adam walked over to us and pulled me into his arms while the teacher was helping Natalie. He brought her to the nurse and I went with her as I didn't want her to be alone. When she woke up she was a bit confused and it made me sad. I didn't notate that I was still holding her hand until she squeezed mine back and gave me a small smile.
" you can let go kim I'm fine " Natalie said laughing
" you gave me such a fright you know that " I said wiping a tear from my eye
" I'm sorry it was that stupid girls fault not mine" Natalie said
" I know i just hated seeing you hurt and it hit you pretty hard on the head " I said running my finger over her head
" I'm fine kimmy really " Natalie said holding my hand tighter

Mr Casey came into the room and he sat down on the side of the best next to Natalie and started to ask her some questions to see if she was alert and knew what happened.
" do you remember what happened nat " mr Casey asked
" well we were playing hockey and me and mya were arguing quite a lot and when Michael flicked the ball up in the air it hit of Myas stick and it hit me in the head and that's where I think I blacked out " Natalie said looking at me
" ok ok so you were out for 3 Minutes so I'm going to have to call your parents to take you home just for precaution ok " mr Casey said patting her on the arm

When he left I sat down next to her and she pulled me into her. I didn't want to let her go as I felt safe and happy in her arms but I knew that her parents would be here soon and that she would be going home.

I waited with her for 20 minutes until her parents arrived to take her home. When she was grabbing her bag she turned to me and gave me a kiss on the check before walking out the door. I could not wipe the smile of my face that I had just been kissed by my crush

When I walked out to go and join Adam and Kev they could see that I was blushing and smiling.
" did you and Natalie fuck or something " Adam said laughing
" nope she just gave me a kiss on the check " I said remembering what happened
" I think kimmy is in love " Kev said
" maybe " I said laughing

Note -
Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter

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