Exam weeks

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This will mostly be in Kim's pov

2 months later
Kim's pov -
Things are great now everyone knows that me and Natalie are gay and that were together. Dad and Erin both know that I'm gay and in a relationship with Natalie and are both happy for me. Erin told dad about her baby and she's due in 4 months which I'm exited about.

It's exam season now at school so I've not been seeing much of Natalie as we're both studying for our exams. I know that Natalie wants to be a doctor and go to medical school so she needs to get all As so she's really stressing

I've got my first exam tomorrow and it's physics which I'm not amazing at so I'm scared. I've been revising loads so let's just hope that I can scrape a pass.

I walked into school and sat with Kev as Adam and Natalie don't do physics so there at home studying ( where I'm from you only come into school for exams so are at home studying for 5 weeks ).
" so how are you feeling about it " Kev asked
" ok I guess I'm nervous for the atmosphere but how about you " I said
" oh god I forgot about that I'm scared shitless " Kev laughed

We walked into the exam and I could feel myself having a panic attack as the hall was so big and there was so many people in the hall. I opened my paper and saw the first question
1 - the weight of a robot on earth is 240N what's it on mars . Easy it's 91N
2 - 1800 atoms decay in a time of 3 minutes the activity of the source is . Ok this isn't bad it's 10Bq

The exam went on pretty well and when it Finished I met up with Kev and walked out
" how did you find it " Kev asked
" it was ok section 3 was really hard though " I said
" I know I could barley answer anything " Kev laughed
When we walked out I saw Natalie waiting for me and she ran over and gave me a hug and a kiss
" hey baby how did it go " Natalie asked smiling
" good I think " I said holding her hand

When I got home I started revising for maths as it was in 2 days and I'm not the best at it so I have to work hard to try and get a good grade

2 days later
I walked to school with nat before the maths exam as we both did it. We met Adam and Kev at the table and sat down. I could see that Natalie was very nervous as it was her first exam and she's not the best at maths. I held her hand when we walked into the hall but I was right at the back while Natalie was near the front

The teacher said we could start the exam so I opened the paper and had a look at the formula sheet at the front before turning to the first question
1. Expand and simplify (x + 5 )(2x-7x-3) I'm good at that so worked out the answer quickly
2. A volume question so that wasn't to bad either

After the teacher said to put our pens down I got up and walked out to wait at the table to see Adam , Kev and Natalie
" hey how did you find it " I asked them
" ok I think the quadratics were pretty hard though " Natalie said
" I know I didn't like that part but it's over now " I said laughing

I walked home with Natalie and on the way we decided that we were going to stop back the Loch and put our feet in for a bit. I leaned in to kiss her and it lasted longer than I though I looked back at Natalie and smiled before putting my head on the shoulder

2 days later
I walked to school with Erin that morning as we had the same history exam even though she was the year above me. I'm good at history but I feel like I have to do well in it and anything less than an A would be bad. I've never got below an A in history before so I really don't want to start now

I said goodbye to Erin before walking over to see Adam who had history as well. I could see him looking at the books and getting annoyed so knew that he didn't study
" hey ruz how you feeling " I said
" shit I know nothing about wars of independence " he laughed
" your going to do fine you do well in class so you can just appeal your grade if your not happy with it " I said as me and Adam walked into the hall

I took my seat and when the teacher said we could start I opened the book so the wars of independence  and looked at the first question
1- describe the events leading to the treaty of Edinburgh being signed , easy it's the English nobles paying the Scot's and Scotland and the pope had a better relationship

I then turned to the next part and looked for the Atlantic slave trade and looked at the first question
2 - describe conditions that slaves faced on the middle passage , that's ok I know this it's they were chained up , packed in tight or lose pack and they had to witness death of other slaves on board

Then I looked for the final section which was nazi Germany my best topic and saw the first question
3- explain why hitler rose to power by 1933 , ok that's like the Munich putsch and failure of the weinmar republic right

After I Finished all the questions I looked over my paper before the teacher said to stop writing and I got up and walked out the room and hoped that I passed. I met up with Adam and started to talk about the exam before getting our bags

When I got home I fell onto my bed and fell right asleep. I'm mentally and physically exhausted from exams and I just want to rest. I've only got 2 more and then I can go back to living this life I liked. I through my hair up in a bun before going back to my desk to study

3 days later
Todays my PE exam I've already done the physical and that went well as I'm really good at PE but now I've got the writing. We all do PE so we met at the table before going into the exam
" I don't understand why we have to do writing anyway " Adam said
" it's because you have to learn why it's beneficial and the different types of training " I said
" ok smart ass " Adam joked as we walked into the hall

I opened my paper and wrote the 8 marker just like I had practiced it and then looks and saw it was on physical and mental factors so I was happy as there the ones which I find the easiest
1- describe how training 1 helped develop her speed in football , ok so it's interval training which means she working for a short length of time so it's very game likely
I wrote

I finished before the time was up so checked over my work a few times before we were allowed to leave the hall. I walked to the table and saw my girlfriend crying to went over and pulled her close to me
" nat baby what's up are you ok " I said
" that went awful Kim I froze I didn't know what to write " Natalie cried
" it's ok baby you did amazing in the physical there's still a good chance you get a A or B " I said stroking her hair

We walked home and I gave Natalie a kiss before walking to the district. I walked up the front steps and went to intelligence when my dad and aunt Trudy were I ran to give them a hug before going into the break room to revise ( Hank and Trudy are both detectives right now)

I started to study for politics which was my last exam. I'm pretty good at politics and I really enjoy it especially the law bit as I think I want to be a police officer just like my dad. I wrote out a few questions before it was time to go home so gave Trudy a big hug before going home

2 days later-
I walked into my politics exam alone as none of my friends did politics. I sat at my seat and took a deep breath before opening my paper. I did the 10 marker which was ok and moved onto the first topic USA
" what's 2 economic issues people have in USA " poor job and poor education I wrote down

Second topic was crime which was my Favourite topic as it was really interesting and I knew loads about it as my dad was a cop.
" 3 reasons why people are more likely to be affected by crime " where they live , there Job and there sexuality I wrote

And the final topic was social inequality which was a hard topic so I was not looking forward to this one
" effect of inequality on a group " I didn't know this so started to panic , I don't know what I wrote I just scribbled something down before I was told to put my own down and leave the room

I walked out and went to the bathroom and tried to calm myself down , I know that I didn't do very well but I just hope that I can pass as it would mean so much to me and to my dad

Note -
Woah that was a long one

All these questions are ones from my exams

I had my biology today and it went ok only 2 more to go

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2022 ⏰

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