First appointment

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Erin's pov -
Today was the day of the first appointment for my baby. I barely slept last night because of nerves , what if I saw someone from school or what if my dad found out. I really considered not going but knew that I had to do this for the baby and not for me.

I had told Kim about it and I didn't even need to ask her if she would come as I knew she would. We told dad that we were going shopping just so he would not suspect us going out at 10am. On the way to the appointment I could not concentrate and I kept overthinking

When we got to the doctors i signed myself in before me and Kim sat down in the seat and she held my hand. I felt like I could just burst into tears at any minute because of nerves and because of pregnancy hormones.

When the doctor called my name I stood up and Kim grabbed my hand again before we both walked into the room and I sat down on the bed while Kim sat on the chair next to me.
" hello miss voight how are you this morning " dr asked
" I'm ok thank you " I said nervously
" so it says here you didn't say why you wanted a appointment would you like to tell me why your here " he said writing on his computer

I took a deep breath and looked at Kim for reassurance before answering him
" I think that I might be pregnant " I said looking down
" ok I see we'll is it ok if I ask some questions , first of all when was the last time that you had sex " he said
" 2 months ago with no protection " I said
" ok and have u had a period since then " he said
" no I haven't since then " I said wiping tears from my eye
" ok have you taken a test " he said writing on his computer
" yeah and it came back positive what do I do " I said breaking into tears

Kim sat next to me and held my hand while the doctor put the gel on my stomach. It was cold and it took him a little while to find what he was looking for. He stopped looking and turned the screen to face me and Kim and showed me where my baby was.

I started to cry even harder now knowing that there was indeed a baby inside of me. The doctor left to give me and Kim some privacy before Kim gave me a hug and ran her fingers through my hair.

Kim's pov -
I can't believe that Erin is really pregnant I mean yeah I saw the test but there's a chance that it could have been wrong but when I saw the little baby ok the screen I new that she really was. Even though Erin was scared and didn't want children I could see that she was a little bit happy. I was helped her get dressed when the doctor came back in.
" ok miss voight as your pregnant I would advise you not to drink or smoke while pregnant and to watch the exercise you do , any more questions please feel free to come in and I've booked an appointment for a months time. " the doctor said walking out the room

Me and Erin walked back out to her can and she started to cry again
" I can't be a mum Kim I can barley look after myself" Erin cried
" Erin you will be a amazing mum because your so kind and caring and even though right now you don't think that I know you will be " I said griping her hand
" no Kim when mum died I promised that I would take care of you as I'm older and it's been you taking care of me you should be a mum not me " she said putting her head on my shoulder

Me and Erin talked about it for a while before we drove home. We talked about how she was going to keep the baby because she could not live with herself if she got a abortion . She messaged jay to come round because if she was going to keep it then jay would have the right to know.

When we got home she said that I could go hang out with my friends so that she and jay could have some alone time to talk. I decided to message nat and see if she wanted to go out for a lunch date and she agreed.
" hey so I'm going out on a lunch date I'll be back later " I said forgetting Erin didn't know that I had a girlfriend
" hold up kimmy a date who with " Erin said
" I'm just going out for lunch with a friend I'll see you later " I said as I ran out the door

When I got to the restaurant I wanted outside until I saw Natalie was up and give me a kiss before we walked in. She looked stunning as usual in her crop top and short skirt. Me on the other hand just had leggings and a jumper cause I don't look as good as her.

Yes I am getting more confident in myself but some days I just don't feel it and want to cover myself up. Even though I love Natalie with my whole heart I often get jealous about how she looks and how confident she is, she's been trying to get me to come out for ages but I just can't she doesn't understand

We had a great lunch and we decided to go on a walk to the river. We were holding hands and then I saw something which would ruin my life. A group of the most judgemental popular girls in my year just saw me and nat kiss and that were holding hands.

They started to laugh and walked towards us, I could feel myself starting to have a panic attack but tried to stay calm. They came up to me and smiled at nat before saying something to me
" I heard that her mum died because she could not stand to have her as a daughter and now she's a dy!e he mum will be cursing her in hell" Emily said
All the girls laugh before pushing me out of the way I didn't want to cry infrout of Natalie so I tried my best to good in my tears.

Jays pov -
Erin has been acting really distant from me recently and not she's asked to come over and talk so I know that this can't be good. Erin's the first girl who has made me feel good about myself and someone I really like and I really don't want to break up

When I got to hers and I knocked on the door and she came to it wearing joggers and a hoodie and her hair in a messy bun , even though she looked like she just woke up I still think she's the more gorgeous girl ever. I sat down on the couch and kept playing with my hands scared as to what might be said

" I'm so sorry I've been acting like this jay but I guess I have a reason why , I really like you and I really care about you but I have a feeling that in a few seconds you will not like me. You know how a few months ago we slept together and didn't use protraction well I'm in pregnant

Note -
Hope your enjoying the story


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