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2 weeks later
Kim's pov -
Things have been getting better for me at school with Erin talking to me more and none of her cheerleader fiends saying things about me behind my back. I've also become a lot closer with Natalie and have learned a lot of things about her

I invited her over to my house after school as we have never really hung out outside of school and I had never really had any girl friends before only Kev and adam.

My day went past pretty quick and for once I was exited for bioligy as I could talk to nat. We were getting the tests back and to be honest I was really scared as I hate failing and I feel like if I do I will disipoint my dad and my mum.
" Natalie , 91% well done , Kimberly 96% well done Kimberly massive improvement " mrs Boden said
" woah 96% that's impressive Kimberly " Natalie said while laughing
" wow yourself that's so good " I said laughing back

The lesson went on fast as we just talking about the test but tho whole time I just looked at Natalie and how perfect she was and the way that she had done her hair.

When school Finished I waited for Natalie by the door and walked home.
" woah all these houses are big do you live in one like this " Natalie said looking around
" a bit smaller I guess but it's nice " I said smiling at her

When we got to our house I saw that my dad was home and he didn't know I was having a friend over and I was scared what Natalie would think when she found out who my dad was
" hi kiddo how was your day " voigh said kissing me on the head
" good thanks dad is it ok if Natalie says for dinner " I asked putting my bag down
" I don't see why not , kimmy I have to go to the scene so I'll be back later please stay in for Erin as she does not have a key " voigh said after leaving

I could see the confusion on Natalie's face when my dad said that he was going to the scene but then she saw a Chicago pd badge and medal
" is your dad a police officer " Natalie asked looking at the medal
" he is a Sargent of the best unit in the city " I said proudly
" that's so cool " Natalie said

I took Natalie up to my room but she stopped in the hall and looked at on of the family pictures on the wall
" is that Erin " Natalie asked confused
" yeah she's my older sister " I said looking down
" god I see the resemblance between you to , I never would have though before" Natalie said smiling
" is that your mum " nat said pointing to a picture of me and mum
" yeah that's her " I said feeling a tear in my eye
" you look so much like her you know " Natalie said walking with me
" yeah my dad says that Erin looks like him while I look like my mum" I said
" is she at work " Natalie asked following me
" em no she died 5 years ago that's why I am young in the photo " I said trying not to cry
" omg I'm so sorry I should not have brought it up " Natalie said giving me a hug

I don't know what it was but I felt so happy and safe when Natalie hugged me and just so happy. I wrapped my arms around her waist and put my head on her shoulder.

We watched a movie on my bed and about half way through Natalie put her head on my shoulder and soon enough she fell asleep. I gave her a kiss on the forehead before falling asleep to.

Erin's pov -
I was going out with jay tonight and I was so exited. I've liked him for so long and after homecoming he asked me out. I was going out with a few of my mates to and were just going down to the tunnel and probably going to have some drink.

We had been drinking for a bit when I started to feel a bit weird. I had taken some weed and other stuff before but now I just feel different. I started to lose my vision before I reached for my phone to call kim but everything went black before I could

Jays pov -
I was meant to be on a date with Erin but to be honest I had not seen her much so I went looking for her. We were in a pretty dodgy place and I felt a bit uncomfortable. I can into the tunnel where I thought I saw her go but could not see her.

I talked to a few people but they said that she got her weed then left. I didn't know that Erin took weed and if she had ever before but that's when I saw her laying on the ground. I ran over and turned her over to see that she was passed out and had been sick.

I picked her phone up and saw that she was on her sisters profile so I called her and got someone to call 911
" Erin you woke me up what do you want " Kim said annoyed
" em hi I'm sorry I'm jay Erin's boyfriend I think she's taken something and now she's not waking up " I said shaking her shoulders
" omg she is ok , you need to call 911 now " Kim said stating to cry
" yeah I did it's going to Chicago med so we can meet you there " I said
" ok please make sure my sister is ok " Kim said before ending the call

Kim's pov -
I was having such a good sleep with Natalie until my phone rang saying that my sister had taken something. I know that Erin drinks quite a lot and that she has smoked on a few occasions but didn't think that she would take drugs.

I started to get dressed when Natalie woke up looking confused
" how long was I asleep for " Natalie said rubbing her eyes
" not long I just got a call and I have to go to the hospital I'm sorry " I said while fixing me hair
" my parents work there I'll come with you " Natalie said after getting her jacket on

The walk to Chicago med was not long but the whole time I was really scared that something had happened to Erin and that she was not going to be ok. When we went inside I started to get really panicky and could feel myself having a panic attack.

Natalie walked over to a lady and gave her a hug and I presumed that it was her mum. I went up to the front desk ti ask where my sister was
" hello em what room is my sister in " I asked trying not to cry
" hello darling what's your sisters name " the lady asked
" Erin voight " I said
" ok she was brought in for drug OD and is in room 7 " she said showing me where it was.

I walked into Erin's room and bust of crying when I saw her. She had a tube down her throat and she was very pale. I walked over to her bed and sat down on the chair before putting my head on her stomach.

The last time I had seen someone like this was when my mum was dying and now I had to see my sister like this. I griped her hand in mine and gave it a kiss before placing my head back down.

I felt someone out there hand on my back and I look up and see that Natalie is standing over me
" she's going to be ok kimmy " Natalie said holding me

Note -
I kind of like this chapter What do you think

Thanks so much for reading hope your enjoying

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