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Rosa Giovenesi's P. O. V

"I hate this weather!" A distraught Fen growls out loud, her leg raising and falling onto the moss-covered ground in a child-like stomp.

Pausing my movement, I raise my head and raise an eyebrow at her actions, a hint of a smile lingering on my lips as sudden realisation dawns on her. A flurry of apologies leaves her mouth as she bows her head and refutes her actions to the person I'm tending over.

"She always had a soft spot for your annoying ass." I joke while removing the last of the weeds, tied together with the remaining fallen stems and mouldy flowers from the previous visit. My mother's grave is primed and the grass is freshly mowed except for the slightly flattened grass from Fen stomping on it.

Fen smiles softly as she caresses the damp and frosted over headstone, smooth granite passing under her fingertips as she draws her hand back and pulls it snugly against the warm confines of her chest. "It's cold." Another whine leaves her lips while I slowly get up onto numb trembling legs from squatting for too long. The slight drizzle of rain causing the early morning frost to wither away and leave a slight mist in the fresh dewy air.

"What weather are you even dressed up for?" I take in her pleather shorts fastened at the waist by a gold belt with heavy black boots but her top half is a complete contradiction as she's bundled to the nines with a creme coloured sweater and a patchwork coat over the top. I ignore the fact that more than half of the outfit has come from my own wardrobe but it's not only due to the fact that I have plans to wear her clothes out tonight.

"Let's go. I need to give Lola a walk before the rain picks up pace. She was already antsy when we were leaving." I comment as I brush the loose soil off of my jeans and trundle over to the compost bin which lingers next to the huge wrought iron gates at the entrance of the graveyard.

Fen trails after me, boots sloshing around in the puddles which are beginning to form from the drizzle of the rain. I can tell she's been wanting to say something since the minute we've stepped foot out of the apartment but has managed to stay silent in good faith since our trip to the graveyard. Now that we're over and done with the slightly sensitive matter, I can practically see the metaphorical container about to burst as she fidgets with the chunky belt dangling from her waist.

"Go on then." My sigh is automatic as Fen's eyes light up with the excitement of getting an answer to whatever it is that has been pinging around in her brain for ages.

Fen swings open the car door as we both slide in, warming our hands on the warm jets of air as soon as the car starts up so that our frozen hands can melt a little. "It's been a whole week Rosie. How do you know that Luca guy hasn't ditched your ass? You don't even have any clue on how to contact him do you?"

I purse my lips as I pull onto the road, trying my best to pretend that I haven't had my ego bruised by that little disappearing stunt Luca has pulled off. When he said he'd get into contact with me, I wasn't expecting a reply the same day but I certainly thought the man would get into contact with me within the next few days. Those few days turned into a week and now we're onto our second week but still no reply.

"I do not," I admit lamely. "I tried asking Leo for help but he told me the same thing every time. Luca will get into touch with me and I just have to wait until he does."

It's not very comforting at all if I must admit. This is why I hate being dependant on people.

Fen doesn't push it and neither do I, each of us in our own separate worlds as we make small talk for the remainder of the car ride. Unfortunately, I don't get a chance to breathe since as soon as we're back at the apartment, Lola is jumping and pawing at my legs, trying to get me to put her leash on so she can go for a walk.

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