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Rosa Giovenesi's P. O. V

Warm air hits me from the front as the jets of the car's heating hits full force while I tighten my grip on an anxious Fen's house. The both of us are scooted together in the back of the car as I situate myself in the middle seat, sending apprehensive glances to the winding highway ahead of us.

Luca doesn't think much of it as he gathers speed with each passing second, swerving through cars without another look back. If not for any other situation, I would've appraised his nonchalant demeanour with the way he's so relaxed in the driving seat. Almost like the man is in his element. One arm is taut and holding on to the steering wheel while the other rests casually on his lap in between his spread legs. Eyes hard and determined as they remain focused on the road in front.

Leo isn't faring the same way, unfortunately. The older man is pushed to the back of his passenger seat, hands clutching the sides of his seat as his lips fold into a thin line, not wanting to release the expletive of curses everyone knows is threatening to escape.

Thankfully the car ride doesn't take long what with the high speeds which Luca took to the roads. Our apartment building comes into clear view as it looms above us, my eyes landing on our apartment where the lights are on, an uneasy feeling coursing through me. Glancing around, the streets aren't necessarily empty considering there's always someone milling about here and there.

However, with that being said, there arent any suspicious blacked out cars inconspicuously trying to blend in with the dark surroundings. We all step out of the car, Lola clutched in Fen's arms and acting like a plush toy as she hovers behind us, eyes wide with fear as we all approach the building.

"Nothing seems out of place," Fen mumbles aloud as we pile into the elevator, the soft music out of place with the situation we find ourselves in now. Leo, Luca and I share a hesitant glance while I anxiously watch the number reach higher and higher till it reaches our floor.

'That's almost worse.' I nearly say it out loud but keep it to myself, knowing it'll just stress Fen out even more. Instead, I wipe my hands down my skirt, and gear myself gear up for what I'm about to see.

The elevator door's slide open, the music turning to a distant hum as I find myself rushing as fast as I can without falling head over heels. My lips turn into a thin line as I reach our apartment door, twisting the handle only to see it hadn't been shut properly in the first place, the latch loose.

Rather than the dismay, I was expecting to feel followed by the pin pricking of tears in my eyes, raw anger runs through me. Annoyance at the thought that someone can think they can just waltz their way into my house. Disrespecting not only me but my roommate as well.

I don't even realise that I've taken steps forward, ready to breach the threshold and enter the apartment when a firm muscular arm bars my way. Tilting my head, I narrow my eyes at Luca, peeved at the interruption.

"Stay here."

The words have a scoff leaving my lips as I grasp onto his arm, trying to move it away from me. "This is my apartment."

"Yes and I'm your bodyguard." I go to quip back at the overbearing sarcasm dripping from Luca but don't get a chance as the man gently pushes me to the side instead and I let him do so when I catch sight of the object in his right hand.

"Why do you have a gun with you?" Fen blurts out from behind the rest of the little group, voicing my own question.

Luca turns his head over his shoulder, his slightly too long hair falling into his eyes while my fingers itch to place the strands in their proper place. An urge I usually have whenever my eyes catch sight of flyaway hair.

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