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Rosa Giovenesi's P. O. V

Getting back to my temporary home was a tedious affair. Leo and I were stuck with Mr Chatterbox as he giggled away in the back seat. The man who trashed my house is a stark difference from this character sitting wedged between two other men.

"Well, this was fun but I guess all magical nights must end. I admit, this was rougher than usual but I like it rough," Everyone in the car lets out a simultaneous huff of air, annoyed by the continuous innuendos Rico has been throwing left and right.

"Don't let the door hit you on the way out," I grumble under my breath, eager for them to throw the man out so we can drive off.

My wish comes true soon enough as the two men on either side of Rico step out of the car while holding a tight grip on our hostage. I wince when one of them lays a punch right on Rico's forehead, the man blanking out with the sheer force as he slumps in their arms.

He'll have a headache when he wakes up. That's for sure.

"Let's get going," Leo ushers as the guards sit back into the car after dumping Rico's still breathing body onto the floor right in front of the club. We don't linger longer than necessary and end up speeding off.

I almost feel bad for the poor man as I look back at him through the side window. That all gets discarded when I remember how he trashed my entire apartment.

Now I wish I was the one who dealt the last blow.


"I'm so tired," I groan to myself as I slump into my bed. A disgruntled snore next to me is answer enough as to how my companion feels about the late night.

"Yeah, Lola is on my pillow, she's sleeping and hogging the bed to herself," I tell Fen on the other end of the phone.

I won't admit it to Lola but I definitely missed the little runt. A quick call to Fen was more than enough nudging for her and her boyfriend to hand over the dog. Now she's laid out on my bed, snoring and without a care in the world.

"Well, I'm not going to tell you how to take care of her because you clearly know. Just make sure to take care of yourself."

I smile and return the same gesture before the two of us hang up.

Slipping into my overly large hoodie and my soft cotton shorts, I slip into the bed, careful of not waking up her royal highness. No matter how comfortable I am, my mind simply won't switch off and I'm plagued by the way Luca stormed off.

I overstepped and I feel terrible but it's also the way he reacted which has me on edge.

What happened to the cool and composed if not stiff Luca?

Never did I think he'd react like that.

But then also, I don't really know the man and here I am trying to figure him out.

With a huff, I get out of the comfort of my bed and am careful not to wake Lola. My feet make a muted sound as I walk barefoot through the large house. Thankfully this part of the wing is void of any wandering people. Only a few members walk around the ghostly halls but in the other wing where my father is probably keeping them up.

With the lights off, my eyes strain to make out the bleak furniture situated in the shadows. I nearly walk into sharp edges a few times but manage to side step them just at the last minute.

Pulling my hoodie closer around me, I scuttle to the small kitchen which is across the living room and right at the end of it.

Maybe some hot chocolate will help me slip into a nice deep sleep? It's usually done the trick before so why not now?

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