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Rosa Giovenesi's P. O. V

Luca darling.

Bernardo, the man in front of us and also my father, appraises the two of us latched onto one another. My frame curled around that of Luca's who himself stands stiff as if this were the test of time and not me trying to throw off my father.

When dark eyes akin to mine lay onto me with a hidden agenda barely masked behind them, it's as if my mind goes blank and I'm subjected to every little thing the piece of shit put me through as a child.

My grip on Luca's hand goes slack while an unnoticeable sweat moistens the back of my neck at my hairline, I open my mouth to come up with the lie I had etched so perfectly into both Luca and I but that little fear I've had ever since I was a little girl comes rearing its littler horns.

"This is my bodyguard, Enzo."

Now, why would I go and say something as infeasible as that?

I can feel Luca's stare on the side of my head, probably wondering the exact same as I am which is; 'What the hell is going on with me right now?'

"Your bodyguard?" Bernardo's thick accent is something that feels like home but also a vice that I always longed to get away from. I managed to get away from it but now I'm back and knocking at hell's door.

All for good reason or, so I hope.

"Yes," I answer after a moment's pause. "You always have someone lurking across the street from me so I decided I might have my own bit of personal protection. You know, something to protect me against who knows what."

The unsaid remains heavy in the air and the man in front of me rolls his eyes childishly. As if it's so unfathomable I'd get any sort of protection against his own henchmen who could do who knows what to me.

I mean they've even kidnapped me once for heaven's sakes!

I still remember my freshman year of college when I was thrown into the unmarked car right outside my college campus front steps. Only to be brought back to my father's study where he chastised me that this is what will only happen time and time again if I don't respond back to his email's. That just made me turn out to be more sly and act like I'm wanted by the FBI.

He got the idea soon enough and pissed off. Instead, he settled by nagging me through various 'guards' for me to not listen to until now. He knows I'm here for some reason but hopefully doesn't know exactly what.

Bernardo looks around the hallway, taking note of all the prying eyes as people try their best to look discreet while also conspicuously staring at us. One poor woman even losses balance in her high heels and would've nearly tumbled to the ground if not for her partner steadying her with a strong grip around her waist.

"Shall we head into my office, Rosa?" My father doesn't even wait for my response, merely turning around and stalking back to his office without another look back.

"I'd love to," I respond to no one in particular, feeling rather awkward as Luca stays silent next to me.

The two of us follow my father who readily walks into the office. I go ahead to enter after him but Luca's grip on my forearm causes me to stop in my steps.

I hesitantly glance up at him, already knowing what he's going to ask me.

"Bodyguard? Where the hell did that come from?" He practically spits out at me, muscular frame rigid and light brown eyes smouldering with intensity.

"I'm sorry! It just slipped out. I wanted to go along with our other plan but my brain froze." The dismay is clear in my words as I stop myself from facepalming then and there, completely flabbergasted by my tongues own betrayal.

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