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Rosa Giovenesi's P.O.V

"Okay, so what's your cover story?" I muse while trying to make small talk, sidling closer to the man. Before either of us can think twice, I'm right beside him while placing my hand in the crook of his elbow.

It's still pretty dark but the slight pause in Luca's step isn't something I need to see. I can feel it pretty easily. I practically blanche at my stupidity, halting in place with him.

"Sorry about that." I wince, beginning to remove my arm from him. I wouldn't want a man to invade my space like that so why am I any better?

"It's fine." He says with a note of exasperation but not letting go, my hand still clamped in the crook of his elbow, softened by the padding of the clothes he wears.

"I don't have a cover story." Luca continues, "You are my cover story. A bratty daughter from a powerful man needs someone to loop after her before she plunges head first into danger."

The grin splitting my face is sarcastic as I look up at him, ignoring the way he still walks us out of the corridor. "I'm charmed. You sure do know how to whoo me."

"Trust me, my intention was anything but." He snarky puts in, my grin only growing wider.

Who doesn't love some friendly banter?

Well probably Luca. He probably wants to rip my head off with his bare teeth.

The music here is more mellow and not the heart syncing music that was reverberating through me when I first stepped in here. This place must be soundproof and cut off from the rest of the club.

That's never good.

"Something tells me that other guy from the footage will definitely be there." I murmur to Luca as we step into the area. There isn't much of a dance floor but rather a stage pushed to the front almost as if they have other kind of shows going on here. There are tables scattered and the dim flickering lights give off an intimate atmosphere as if this is more of a romantic restaurant rather than the club it is.

Are they really trying to be classy when not even a door away there are people practically having sex on the dance floor?

"You just might be right about that." Luca says in a low voice I barely miss it. I glance up to see him staring straight ahead, glare focused in the direction right next to the stage. Following his gaze, I nearly take a step back when I catch sight of someone leaning on a high stool, talking to another person at the bar.

It's the same person I came here to find. At least one out of the two.

I don't know why I'm so surprised. I came here to find him.

I can tell it's the man from the footage without even having to double check the screenshot in my phone. He matches the description to a tee. Even from here I can tell he's attractive. He stands tall but lean, muscles not protruding from every inch of his body with a tapered waist. His dark complexion is smooth and flawless, I can tell even if I get up close in his face it'll simply glow. His short cropped hair is the same to the picture I have of him in my phone. That's all I can tell from him although I know he has a angular face and big eyes.

Luca carts me over to one of the two bars, nestled perfectly in a corner far enough away from where the intruder is. Every inch of me wants to go up to the man and smack him silly for terrorising me and Fen but I hold myself back

I'll get my revenge soon enough.

Scooting onto a bar stool, I make sure to sit in an area where I can see the man but he can't see me. Not unless he can see through a whole line of people. Luca props himself up beside me, putting his arm on the bar top and asking for a hard drink from the bartender. The man receives his drink, taking a sip without even wincing.

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