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Rosa Giovenesi's P.O.V

Well, this is intriguing.

I'm not gonna lie and say I'm not interested when I most certainly am. I'm nearly about to scoot forward and ask the man to go on but stop when I realise the situation is rather tense.The self-assured and rather cocky grin on Rico's face doesn't let up any tension but instead, adds to it. Luca takes a threatening step forward with a fierce scowl on his face. The expression isn't anything out of place but I still take another step back.

A shiver racks down my spine as I take in the thunderous body language and waves of hostility coming from the man. "What the fuck are you on about?" He spits out as I shuffle backwards.Turning my head, I glance at the older man to my left who is as tentative as I am. Leo looks at me with an expression of chagrin and shakes his head slightly, telling me to stay quiet to which I roll my eyes.

What did he think I was going to do? Flail my arms around and demand Rico to tell me everything while ignoring a practically murderous Luca. The man who stands to my right, shaking away with the sheer restraint of holding back to tear Rico a new one.

A melodious laugh catches my attention as I look at Rico, with his head thrown back and a handsome grin making its way onto his face. "I'm not going to let you know by being bound like a helpless dog, now am I?" The ultimatum is clear and concise.

Coughing, I pause awkwardly as all eyes flit to me, the question clear in their eyes. Even Luca stares at me with a questioning gaze, head tilted and wondering what I'm about to spew up next.

"How do we know you're telling the truth? You could easily be lying just so Leo and his men let you go. Which I wouldn't appreciate really since you had a gun aimed at us," I input with suspicion.

Isn't it obvious? Why would you trust someone on the first go like that especially when they owe you nothing?

Luca turns his head ever so slow in the direction of the now serious perpetrator who 'hmms' out loud as if in deep thought at my words.

"You have a point there, Rosa. What do you have to say to that, young man?" Leo speaks up, seemingly rather diplomatic as if the pent up tension would fade away with a few soft words.

"That's a risk you'll have to take with me," Rico says with a nonchalant shrug of his shoulders to which Luca lets out a low condescending scoff.

"You either speak right now or you're the one that's going to have a bullet in their head soon enough," Luca spits out vehemently.

Rico answers that non-verbally as he rolls his shoulders, feigning innocence and as if he has all the time in the world to kill.

"My hands are tied, quite literally," The cackle of laughter escaping the man has me clamping my lips shut, trying to stop my own sound of laughter from leaving and igniting temper's further.

"Okay let's just calm down," I manage to get out without erupting into laughter, "We can't shoot anyone in the head. We need whatever information that we can get and killing Rico won't really let us do that."

I'm rather proud of myself for speaking up, especially when Luka looks the way he does. The man in question doesn't share the same sentiments at all as he whips his head around, hair falling into his eyes but not deterring his glare as it focuses on me.

Leo steps forward and clasps his hands together with a firm nod. "I will have to agree. A few broken bones won't hurt but we cannot kill him. His boss won't like that and unfortunately, our boss gave direct orders to not spill blood. Well, as much as can be saved."

I chew on my bottom lip, taking in the words of my father who I'm surprised even knows what's going on. I'm sure if he had it his way, he'd have left me out as bait only to lock me in a room and throw the key away till this is all sorted.

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