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Rosa Giovenesi's P. O. V

"It's only for a little while." Leo tries to assure me, placing a gentle hand on my shoulder which I eye as if the very limb is conducting sacrilegious affairs.

The frown on my face is still etched in place as my shoulders slump even further, my body sinking further into the mattress under the weight. My room is still in the same mess with my mattress strewn on the floor, casted away from my bed with the pillow splayed on my lap, preventing my elbows from digging into my thighs.

Leo stands in front of me, a kind smile tugging at his lips but compassion in his eyes, understanding my stubbornness on the situation.

"I really do wish you could stay with me." Fen pipes up, frustrated at the situation but I wave her woes away. Already knowing the situation we're in is because of me and she's getting dragged into al of this no matter how many times I've assured her she won't get pulled into it.

I'm more vexed that I couldn't stop it and make due on my word. Something I hate breaking.

"Don't worry. It's just for a little while like Leo said. We can come back as soon as the tension eases up a bit." That's my way of manifesting a better scenario, hoping it truly is just for a few days.

I had hoped it wouldn't turn into this. But as soon as Leo called my father to let him know of what happened, something I don't hold against him since it's some protocol regarding the events which took place not even an hour ago. I just hate how that results in me crawling back under my father's roof, practically under house arrest and having the freedom I fought so hard against, pretty much snatched away from me all over again.

The only reason I'm accepting this is because it's only for a short while and also I don't want Fen to feel bad since she's moving to her boyfriends for a bit.

With a loud groan, I stand up as I release a pent up sigh, ignoring the rather embarrassing popping of my knees which I'm sure Leo doesn't get even if he is three times my age.

"I guess I should get packing." I mumble more so to myself than the other two people in the room. They agree and give me space as I woefully glance around the now empty area, not wanting to get up let alone clean and pack. Thankfully with the help of the other's, Fen and I managed to salvage our room but Leo insisted we leave the rest of the stuff to hired professionals, urging us to leave the apartment and into safety as soon as possible.

Just those words let me know that Fen is going to be under security detail, Leo won't let anything happen to her and that's a relief in itself. I'm choosing to focus on the positive rather than the doom which awaits me in the shape of my father, or rather lack thereof.

My small suitcase is quickly packed as I throw whatever reasonable thing I can get my hands on. I try to force my hands to slow down, not just chucking everything in but trying to fold it properly so I don't take up too much frivolous space. I don't care what I'm putting in the suitcase but I know I need quite a few things.

Especially underwear. You can never have too much underwear. This stupid habit I've had since day one. Bringing six pairs of underwear for a two day trip as if I'm going to shit myself multiple times a day.

It's never happened but who knows? I'll always be prepared with spares.

Placing the suitcase down, I tug the rather heavy object so that it swivels behind me but choose to stay silent. So much for me packing light.

Entering the living room, I have to practically hold back a wince at the mess that lays stagnant on the floor. My hands itch at my sides, begging to get the broom in the cupboard so I can sweep it all up. This time I do wince as Fen comes from her room with an overnight bag, shoes crunching on the mess of various open cereal and crisp packets.

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