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Rosa Giovenesi's P. O. V

"This ought to be fun."

The usually almost silent click of the safety turning off is louder than ever. My mouth hangs open as I stare wide eyed at the man in front of us, cocky smirk and nonchalant poise as he aims the gun between me and Luca.

"Why is that?" Luca questions, trying to step forward but getting ushered backward when the man whizzes his gun in Luca's direction. Pausing instantly, Luca doesn't seem all that troubled with a gun being waved in his face

"I've had my eyes on the girl for a while now. Rosa was it? I was asked to try to get my hands on her but it appears she has fallen into my lap instead." The man questions, eyes flickering to me as his pearly white teeth practically shine.

"I've got you right where I wanted to." He ends with a shrug of his shoulder, gun still not faltering.

Luca turns his head to look at me, dark eyes unreadable before he turns back to the man who's name I don't know yet.

"I could say the same for you."

Well, it was nice knowing Luca while it lasted.

It's clear he's lost his marbles but then again, I would too if I had the barrel of a loaded gun pointed in my direction, ready to lodge a bullet into my brain.

The man snorts in amusement. "Now what the hell is th-,"

I don't even get a chance to blink since it all happens too fast and my mind is left whirling. One moment I'm standing next to Luca albeit slightly behind. The next, Luca's grabbing by my hand, his warm skin touching mine as he yanks me behind him. His large body takes up every inch of me and I end up staggering forward. My hands brace onto the plains of his back, his firm muscles flexing but his hand still keeping me in place.

A commotion in front of us has me peeking over his shoulder and I let out a quiet laugh.

There in front of us is that same cocky man struggling for his life. Two men grab onto each side of him while Leo casually steps into the light from out of the entrance to the alleyway. It would have been confusing for me to understand if not for Leo's outstretched arm, still holding onto the gun.

"You planned this?" I ask Luca while still peering over his shoulder. He turns his head, cologne wafting over me and taking control of all of my senses. I realise how intimately close we are, my mind taking me back to just an hour ago when we were pressed up against each other in that dimly lit hallway back inside the club.

Luca pauses, not answering me straight away before clearing his throat. I don't dare look his way.

"Yes. I had a feeling something would go wrong. I texted Leo to bring some men with him right before I cornered you inside the club." He answers this so cavalierly, as if his quick thinking didn't save us our asses.

It's more than what I can say I did.

"They were waiting outside?"

Luca nods and I finally let up, his scent and usual sharp features even more striking up close, taking my breath away.

"They were behind us the whole time. The guy's an idiot for not realising he was being tailed and had a gun to his head this entire time. Only thing is, Leo took his time." Luca says in as close to a disgruntled tone that I ever think I'll hear from him.

I chuckle and pat the man on his back, finally taking my hands away from the sheer muscle.

I had completely forgotten I was still glued to him.

"Leo does like to make a dramatic entrance."

As if hearing me talk about him, the old man motions to us and back at our scowling perpetrator.

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