16. Pierce's boss is homophobic (PierceTyphoon)

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"Stay still, P'Pierce!", Typhoon asked for the fourth time since he started straightening his boyfriend's tie.

"I can't help it, I hate wearing this, Phoon!", Pierce frowned and pouted.

"I promise to give you a reward if you let me finish, okay?", Phoon negotiated with an insinuating wink that promised a nice prize, making the taller one become interested.

"In that case, I can make an effort!", he replied with a smile on his face and circling his arms around the narrow waist. Even though Typhoon was wearing a suit, he still had an elegant and glorious silhouette under all that fabric and that took the elder's thoughts far away from there. Or maybe, too close, as their bed was only a few steps away.

A few moments later, Phoon finished his job and smiled brightly at his boyfriend. "I'm done! Now you're more than perfect!", he said standing on his tiptoes to peck the other.

"Don't even think about saying this is my reward!", Pierce said, but at the same time licking his lips, tasting the lip gloss that his boyfriend had passed on to him with the kiss.

"What are you going to do if I say so?", Phoon teased holding the other man's nape.

Pierce gave a mischievous smile and started to tickle his boyfriend's sides and soon he was laughing in his arms. The taller one sighed. "I'm sorry to have to spend Valentine's Day at a business dinner with my boss, love..."

"It's alright, Phi! I know how important this is to you and it's not like you're going to leave me behind! I'm coming along and this can still turn into an amazing night after we say goodbye to your boss!", he gave Pierce another peck, but the taller one couldn't resist deepening the contact. He had an addiction to his boyfriend's mouth and liked to take his time enjoying that gift of nature that only he had access to taste.

"Hmmm... hmmm...", Phoon muttered pulling away from the kiss. "Let's go or we're going to be late, handsome!", he said intertwining his fingers with the other and leading him towards the exit of the apartment. He was sure that if he gave in to Pierce's caresses they would miss the dinner and that wouldn't be a good thing.

After the argument they had once Pierce started working at the record label, they sat down and talked about trying to manage their time better. Now, Phoon was proud to say that his Phi has returned to spoiling him like they did in college. They had less time than when they were both students, but they learned to make the best out of it.

At the same time, Typhoon had seen how excited Pierce had been to learn that his boss had invited him to dinner. Apparently, they would talk about him staying at the company, extending his contract, which would change from temporary partner to a regular employee.

"If I stop being a freelancer, we can even change these rings for another kind, you know?", Pierce hinted at a marriage proposal and with a glowing in his eyes that made Typhoon blush from head to toe, when he excitedly shared the news.

So they both knew that a lot depended on that night's dinner.


Pierce and Typhoon had been waiting in front of the restaurant for about 30 minutes and the first was getting impatient.

"I swear if he doesn't show up within 10 minutes, I... I...", Pierce inflated his lungs trying to think of a credible and serious threat he could make to his own boss who might or might not promote him that night, but let out the air out in a blurt. "Ok, I won't do anything, but I'm going to be really upset!", he finished puckering his lips in a pout so cute Typhoon couldn't resist kissing.

"You're the cutest in this world, my love!", he pinched the taller's cheeks and pressed their foreheads together in a gesture of adoration for the man who was tall and stubborn, but also kind and the most loving hearted that he had ever met.

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