Talent Show

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I meet Jake at the bus stop as always. When I get there he is holding a good guys doll.

"Hey!" Jake says waving at me as I'm walking up. "Hi." I voiced with hesitation as I look at the good guy doll. "Saw this guy at a yard sell, so I just had to get him and I only paid 10 dollars." Jake explained. "Okay" I laughed. "So what did I miss yesterday at school." I questioned the kind boy "Well we had a test and Lexy made a go fund me for me yesterday as a joke!" the boy said angrily. "Everyone at school saw it." Literally so embarrassing." He expressed. "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you." I mentioned laying a hand on the boy's shoulder. "When we get to school I'm going to give her a piece of my mind." I exclaimed. "No trust me you don't have to do that." "Besides I'm over it anyways." Jake said reassuring her.

The bus finally get to us and I sit down first because I like the window seat and as Jake sits down I notice Devon. Jake is staring hard too. It looks like he was going to say something like but Junior comes and sits next to him. We get off the bus and Junior runs over to Lexy and I roll my eyes. Its like he doesn't know I exist anymore.

- time skips

Finally its the talent show and its pretty boring after Devon finishes playing Lexy comes on stages. She asked him was it for anyone special obviously trying to hint at something. The spotlight shines on Jake.

"So Jake what did you think of Devon?" the annoying girl teased. "I-It it was good!" Jake spoke nervously. "Just good?" the girl taunted. "Come on Jake now it's your chance to tell Devon and his mom what you really think!"

Just as I was about to say something I got cut off by a unknown voice.

"Why don't you pick on someone your own size" the voice proposed.

I look around to see who is speaking. Jake then stands up and walks to the stage with his good guys doll. I look up at him surprised. I didn't know he joined it's not really his thing. The doll pulls out Lexys phone. As Lexy trys to grab it the doll yells BOO! and she backs up. The doll continues by going through her phone and he's says "Lots of pictures of Junior and lots of pictures of Oliver."

I slap my head embarrassed as the spotlight goes to Oliver. I look over to see Junior and he looks pissed. The doll is now going through the blondes search history. The crowd is laughing and I can't help but wonder have Junior is feeling right now. Lexy finally takes her phone back and storms off stage. And that was the end of the talent show.

- times skips

As I get up to get a glass of water and go back to bed. I see blue and red light flashing from my window. I put on a jacket and boots and walk outside to see what was going on. As I get to his house I could see caution tape. The paramedics are pulling out a body bag and my heart drops. Tears start rolling down my face when I see Jake walk outside. I run to Jake.

"I thought that was you I was so scared." I say in a panicky tone. "What happened?" "It's my dad!" he say crying into my chest. "I'm so sorry." I said hugging him tighter. His uncle yells from the car "Come on Jake we have to go!"

We let go of each other and he runs to the car. I wave goodbye as they drove off.

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