The Party

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1 week later

Going to school without Jake for a week has been hell. Especially hearing all the bad things people have been saying about Jake's dad. But luckily he's coming back today. I walked to school instead of getting on the bus. When I get there I saw Jake sitting in the car. I waited by the school door until he got out of the car. As Jake is walking Oliver comes over to him. They are talking but what about.

He gets to the door and I asked "How are you feeling?" "How do you think I feel my dad is dead." he said with attitude. "Sorry." I mumbled. "So what were you and Oliver talking about?" I commented. "Oh nothing he just said he's sorry for giving me so much shit and invited me to his party tonight." I said careless. That's cool so are you going to go?" I asked. "I have to think about it." The boy scoffed. "Well I want to go so you have to!" I told Jake demanding. "No." Besides I thought you and Junior have a traditional sleepover for Halloween and your birthday." Jake stated. "You're right, but I don't think it's happening this year considering our situation." I said disappointed. "You and Junior have been doing that forever I don't think he will ditch on your most important birthday."

-time skips

After school I go to Junior/Jake house. I knock on the door and I am greeted by Bree.

"Hello Mrs. Wheeler." I said with a smile. "Its lovely seeing you again!" She pulled me into a hug.

Junior POV

I hear a knock at the door before I get up my mom yells "I'll get it! A minute or two later I hear someone walking up the stairs. I assume it was Jake and I hurried to lock my door. I then hear a knock at my door. I roll my eyes and slid of my bed to go open it. "What do you w-" I started yelling before realizing it wasn't Jake but a very familiar face.

"Sorry am I disturbing you and your girlfriend or something?" The pretty girl insisted. No! I shook my head. "I'm sorry I thought you were Jake!" I said in defense "So that's how you talk to Jake?" she said crossing her arms. "Why are you so mean to him?" the girl asked. "Because he's weird why do you hang out with him?" "He doesn't even like girls!" I answered. "That's not the point!" She argued. "I came here to ask you are we still hanging out for my birthday?" Tyjai recited. Yeah I forgot your birthday was on the 1st." I pointed out. "I'm sorry but I have plans with Lexy tomorrow and I can't do it." I noted "Oh i-." "No its-." "That's fine." She let on. "Well are you going to Oliver's party tonight?" Tyjai said "Maybe we can hang out there?" Tyjai suggested. "Yeah but again hanging with Lexy." I said shrugging my shoulders

I close the door because of the awkward silence and hear the girl walk away.

Normal POV

I walk into Jake's room as he scoffs. "Did you really have to dress up as the doll?" "I mean why not, we'll be the coolest duo there ain't that right Chucky?" I joked. "Did someone hit you?" I said pointing at Jake's eye. "No." the boy said angrily. "Its just makeup." "Really then where is this so called makeup then and why doesn't this come off?" I said rubbing his eye. "Ow!" He cried in pain. "Jake you need to tell me if Junior or Mr. Wheeler is hitting you." I said. "No one hit or is hitting me!" Just leave it alone.

-time skips

After sitting in silence for over a hour I finally say something

"Come Jake. Please? I want to go to the party." I beg "I'm not in the mood to party." The boy said in a grumpy mood. "But Devon REALLY wants you to come." "No he doesn't." Jake said shaking his head. "Yes!" "He even texted me himself." I testified. "Well still not changing my mind!" The stubborn boy shouted.

I just sigh and text Devon that we aren't coming. Then Mr. Wheeler yells to Jake that an Uber is here. I look up at him confused and he just shrugs his shoulder. We both go stairs to greet him. Mr. Wheeler tells us that Junior has already left and Jake tells him we aren't going. Jake ran up the stairs as I slowly walked when he came back running yelling "Where's Chucky?"

Jake grabs my hand and we start running blurted "We have to go!"

"Can you at least tell me why we're running. I say out of breath." "Well you wanted to go to Oliver's party now we are going." He exclaimed "But why do we have to run." I said tired. "You won't understand I need to find Chucky." I didn't know you like the doll that much.

-time skips

We get to the party and Jake is really antsy. I'm really worried. But then I hear Devon from behind me.

"Devon you look great!" Jake says. "Thanks it's really cool that y'all came." Devon said with a huge smile. "Um you look great too." Devon says pointing towards my costume. "Thank y-." I said in response. "I have to find Lexy!" Jake cut in "Why?" I say. "I just have to make sure she's okay. The curly head boy said. "But why do you care?" Devon asked. "I just do!" Jake began to argue. "I look in confusion I thought we were here to look for your doll." I assumed. "I mean we are but I have to find Lexy." he said looking around.

As Jake continues pacing around we run into Oliver. I roll my eyes as Jake ask has he seen Lexy. Oliver leads Jake and Devon into a dark closet and shuts the door.

And yells "Seven Minutes in Hell!"

As everyone is chanting Oliver turns to me and said "You look really hot tonight." I look at him in disgusted. "Are you trying to impress me because its definitely working!"he said looking me up and down. "I'm literally wearing fucking overalls." I said throwing my hands up. "I mean I just saying you look hot in everything." He said backing up. "No need to get defensive just take the damn compliment." He shouted.

-time skips

I'm waiting on Jake and Devon to come out I hear people shouting Lexy's name, out of curiosity I walk over to the commotion. I see her wearing type of janitor costume. I feel Jake and Devon walk up behind me. Everyone is laughing and some are recording. I see Junior over on the staircase and he looks shocked. Then I look back over at Jake and he looks so sad. A tear falls from his eye and I ask what's wrong. "She's my dad." He said sadly. I look at him with sympathy.

"What do you mean she's your dad?" I ask. "It's how my dad died. He was electrocuted."

My mind went blank. I pushed through the crowd of laughing kids. I walked right up to Lexy and I slapped her.

"You know I'm really tired of your shit Lexy!" Like what is your problem? "Do you not get enough attention at home!" I confessed. Everyone goes "OOOOO!" "What are you talking about?" she says holding her face. "You know damn well what I'm talking about." I yell.

I never felt this level of anger before. She tries getting up but I pushed her back down.

"No you gonna sit there and listen to what I'm saying." "I don't know why, but you put the thought in your head that you are better than everyone else but you're not."I told her. "Just because your mom is the mayor doesn't mean shit to me, I will still wipe the floor with your scrawny ass."

Lexy stands up "I would love to see you try." I put my braids in a ponytail and she punches me. And I punch her back. The fight didn't last long. Oliver, Junior, Jake, and Devon broke up the fight.

I race out the house really pissed off Jake and Devon are following but they run back to the house.

-time skips

I walked half way home then called by dad. He was mad that he had to come because he was asleep but was happy that I called and even asked how the party went. I just told him it was nothing too special. And people really like my costume. When I got home I took a shower and my dad kissed me on my forehead before he went to sleep. I wasn't really sleepy so I was watching YouTube when Jake called. I ignored it. And he texted me if I got home safe I said yes and told him goodnight. Before I went to sleep. I just thought of what I was going to do tomorrow.

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