Where Are We?

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Honestly i don't know where I'm going with this story

Junior POV

I wake up and it 7:30. Tyjai kissed me! Does that mean she likes me or are we together again? I need to calm down I'm overthinking way too much I say to myself.

I slowly get out of the bed avoiding waking her up. My stomach rumbles. I walk over to the table holding my stomach looking at the snacks I got yesterday.

"I don't want any of this I need some actual food." I scoffed

I contemplate for a few seconds whether I should go downstairs or not. "Fuck it" I say putting my shoes on.

I head down the steps and into the front office.

The grotesque guy from the night before walks in

"This guy again" I think to myself

"Does anyone else work here?" I scoff

"Nope just me" the elder man spat. "I'm all you got. What do you want?" He continued on.

"Umm is there any restaurants or diners close by?" I ask

"Don't know. Don't care." He walks off

"Asshole!" I yelled leaving out the door

I go back up to the room. I don't go in to avoid waking Tyjai up so I sit outside the door and put my headphones in.

Tyjai POV

I wake up and roll over to see the time. The clock said 9:00am I look back over to notice that Junior had already been awake. I get up and use the bathroom. I washed my face and look in the mirror my eyes were puffy looking. I turned off the faucet and open the front door to see Junior sitting outside.

"What are you doing out here." Are you not cold? I asked crossing my arms.

"Oh hey goodmorning" Junior smiles

"Hey" I said.

"You should come inside its freezing out here."

Junior came in and I locked the door behind him. He places a old looking map on the desk.

"Ok so this is Hackensack but I don't know where we are" Junior pointed to the map

"Where did you get the map? I walk over to him

"When I got the snacks yesterday I asked the guy at the front desk for it." He answered

"Anyways we can drive back-" he was interrupted

"Who says we have to go back so soon." I say

"But your dad, he probably so worried about you." Junior mentioned

"You didn't think to ask where we are?" I laugh

"Umm no" Junior says

"You know what, it's okay ill just go and ask." I put on a jacket

"You can't do that" Junior demanded

"Why?" I questioned

"Because that guys is a fucking creep" Junior cursed

"Junior you can't say that. That rude" i replied

"No he said that he wanted to get with you" the boy revealed

"It's not rude if he fucking revealed the type of dude he is" Junior argued

"Well I can take care of myself ill be fine." I assure him

"Well I should come with you!" He insisted

"No I'm fine" I promise.

I put my shoes on and jog down the stairs. I ring the bell and the tall man greets me.

"Hello there pretty lady." The large man said

"Umm hi" I said awkwardly
"Can you tell me the address to this motel? I give him a fake smile

"Yeah sure. But what's your name?" He place his abnormal looking hand on my mines

"I can treat you better than that little boy you came with." He said breathing really hard

He looked at me like he could take me away. Like he was hungry and I was food.

"Umm no I'm fine can you just tell me the address please" I said uncomfortable

"How old are you?" He asked

"Too young for you" I scrunch my face up

"I'm sure you're just the right age for me." He walk around the desk and I back up slowly.

He continues approaching me backing me into a corner. He was so close I feel his hot breath on me

"Please give me a chance" he said putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Sir please I just need the address." I say feeling trapped

He came closer to me. Not caring how I told him no I reach over to the counter and grabbed the pen sitting there and I stabbed him. Not once or even twice. When I did it I couldn't stop. Its like I blacked out. I felt so in control and powerful.

I snapped back into reality and looked down at the now unconscious man and blood all over my hands. I look around making sure no one saw me and run up to the room as fast as I can

"Junior" I yelled slamming the door behind me.

Junior gets off the bed "What the fuck Tyjai"

"We need to get the fuck out of here right now." I started grabbing the clothes from the dresser and Junior putting on his shoes and grabs the map.

I grab Junior's hand "Let's go!"

We get in the car.

"You know you're kinda hot covered in blood." Junior points out

"Junior this is not the fucking time to be joking I just fucking killed someone." I screamed

"Well I'm sorry but I'm serious" he shrugs

I take off the bloody shirt I had on and stuff it under my seat. I start the car and press on the gas.

Couple Minutes later

We start running out of gas so I turned into the gas station.

"Here take this" I say handing Junior the credit card

"Why do I have to go in." Junior groans

"Stop whining and just pay please." I beg

Junior gets out the car and I look at all the shirts I had brung to the car and find a sweater I quickly put it on. I get out the car to pump the gas as Junior walks out the store with some chips. I just shake my head in disapproval.

"What I was hungry. he defended.

"If you want I can go back and get you some." He said with his mouth full

"There's no time for that we have to go." I say

"I finished pumping the gas and I get back in the car.

We drive a little longer and find a empty parking lot.. e park the car and got out.

"So apparently we're in fucking Connecticut! I say slamming the map on the top of the car.

"Connecticut? Thats like 4 hours away" Junior exclaimed.

"I know" I say

"Are you going to drive all the way there?" Junior asked

"I mean I guess?" I shrug me shoulders "but I've never driven that long before.


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