Hanging Out

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Today I woke up really early but it wasn't on purpose. I haven't had motivation to do anything. But I get up and look at my phone for the first time in days. The time was 4:49 a.m. After looking at my phone I went upstairs to the kitchen and made a bowl of cereal. When I got back downstairs I turned of the TV. The time was now 7:20 and I got up and took a shower. I got dressed and I ate another bowl of cereal. At 8:15 I put on my shoes. And I head to school.

-time skips

Now I'm in Ms. Fairchild's class. I spot Oliver seat and I just feel a heavy weight on my chest. Even though he treated me horrible I didn't want him to die. At one point in time he was nice. Everyone is entering class and I sit behind Junior and Lexy.

"Hey." I said tapping on Junior. "Hey. How have you been you haven't texted me back in days." Junior asked. "Sorry I haven't been feeling well." I explained.

Everyone gets to class and Miss Fairchild begins talking.

"A few days ago you might have been feeling shock, denial, this is so much to take in. At this point you might be feeling pain and guilt. Also its normal. You're feeling are valid and expected. Everyone will heal at their own speed. And if you need any one to talk to please know my door is always open you guys. You know you probably think I'm just a biology teacher but feeling do start on a molecular level." "Okay lets pick back up where we left off on chapter 3. Biotic & abiotic factors." She mentioned. As everyone groaned there was a knock at the door. She goes to open the door and its Devon's mom. Ms. Fairchild tells us to start working on the question and heads out the door with Ms. Evans.

As she leaves Lexy gets up and goes over to Devon and Jake. I whisper to Junior "Would you want to work together?" But he is to distracted by what Devon, Lexy, and Jake are talking about. "Snap out of it!" I wave my hands in his face. "Come on we need to get started." I plead. "Sorry, it's just what is she doing talking to him?" He muttered. "Maybe they are becoming friends." I suggest. "But Lexy hates Jake." He claimed. "Now Junior I know you're not jealous of Jake." I questioned. "No but" Junior started. "But nothing. Help me with these question please." I said cutting him off

Devon POV

Jake says "What do we do about Junior?" Jake blurts out.

We all look his direction to him staring back.

"I say WE tell him" I replied. Lexy nods her head no. "We cant bring him into this he doesn't have the imagination." "Okay then what about Tyjai." I say. "No definitely not." Jake said. "She is depressed as it is over Oliver." Jake said in defense.

We all nod our heads in agreement. "Just the three of us." Lexy said.

Tyjai POV

Junior still sits there staring at the new trio. "I have to go over there!" he says. "No you don't you can finish this work." I disagree. "You know what?" Junior says standing up. "I'm going to go over they to see what they are talking about." He walks away

Junior POV

"What are you guys talking about?" I ask. "Nothing" Lexy says startled. I know she lying but I bypass it. "Have you guys heard of WestWorld? It's like this crazy theme park with these cool robots that you can do what ever you want to them. It's really cool." I informed them. They all say no they haven't heard of it and its kinda awkward. Lexy breaks the silence "I really haven't had time this week." I just scoffed as Ms. Fairchild comes back and tells us to get back to ours seats. Lexy runs over back to our table and sits down. "Less chatting more science." Ms. Fairchild continues on. As i'm sitting down Lexy pulls out her phone and starts texting.

Tyjai POV

I get done with my work and asked Junior has he finished yet. He shakes his head no. "I'm actually having a difficult time on the questions."he says. I hand him my paper and the bell rings. I put up my book and put on my headphones and leave. When I'm at my locker, Junior come up to me. He points at his ears signaling for me to take off my headphones.

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