Happy Birthday I Guess

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Here it is the most important birthday of a girls life and here I am. Honestly I never really cared for my sweet 16 unless it was going to be like the movies. I know that I have high expectations and it not going to happen but still a girl can dream right.

I didn't have the energy to go to school today so I stayed home. Later on in the day my dad told me that one of my teachers called and that he had to go a meeting. For it to be my birthday I felt very lonely I hadn't got one text telling me "happy birthday". Did everyone suddenly forget about me.

-time skips

Its 4 o'clock now so everyone is getting out of school. I was making a TikTok knowing I wasn't going to post it when Devon texted me.

Devon: Hey
Me: Hey Devon.
How are you?
Devon: I was going to ask you the same thing. You didn't come to school today and its your birthday.
Also Happy Birthday.
Me: Thank you! You are the first person to tell me happy birthday.
I'm okay it's just I didn't feel like going to school today.
Devon: Jake or Junior didn't text you yet.
Me: No. They're probably too busy but its fine.
Devon: Ik you and Lexy got into a fight yesterday but I'm hanging out with Junior at Lexy house today.
I really think you should come.
After what she did to Jake you would still go over her house.
Devon: I'm only going for Junior.
And hopefully you come too because I doubt Junior and I will be hanging much.
Me: I really have to think about it.
I'll see if Jake wants to hang out first tho.

I text Jake and he says he's pretty busy today. Because I have nothing better to do I get dressed. I took my braids out today and washed my hair so my hair was in a Afro. I paced around my house for about an hour debating if I should go . As I was grabbing my sweater I hear my dad come through the front door.

"Hey kiddo where you headed?" my dad asked "I was just going to hang with my friends." I said. "Can I talk to you real quick before you leave?" My dad said. "So I went to the meeting and I saw what happened at the party." My dad mentioned. "I- she started it." I stammered. "I know I know. I just wanted to tell you how proud I am that you stood up for you friend." My dad said reassuring. "What that girl did was so disrespectful." "And you stood up to her." "But you know violence isn't the answer." He stated. "Yes I know I won't let it happen again." I give him a huge and leave.

I didn't want to walk all the way there so I took my skateboard. When I get there I let myself in because the door what open. I see Junior over on the staircase and Devon dancing with Lexy. I wave at him and continue walking over to Junior.

"Hey!" Junior says excited. "Happy Birthday!" He shouts. "Thank you." I said. "I have a gift for you." He said giving me a hug. "Ooo what is it!" I don't have it now I was going to give it to you at school but you weren't there." He said disappointed. "I just didn't feel like it today."

Oliver and Lexy begin dance and I see the look on Junior's face. I think to myself why does she do this to him.

"Hey don't let them get to you." "Why don't you dance with me." I said holding out my hand. "Don't feel like dancing. Junior said squeezing him cup. "Come on, you know I am a great dancer." I say sarcastically.

He laughs finally giving in. Lexy yells "Oh I love this song!" She runs over to me and Junior. "Come on Junior."  Lexy says grabbing his hand. He pulls away. "No, I think I will be dancing with the birthday girl." "Who even invited her?" The blonde girl said. "I did!" Junior say standing up to Lexy. "Lexy I don't want to fight. "I'm just here to have fun today, it's my birthday." I said nicely. "I have to be the bigger person?" Lexy thought to herself. "Happy birthday I guess." Lexy said giving me a fake smile.

Junior POV

I missed you. I whispered. "What do you mean?" the brown eye girl said looking at me. "I miss us hanging out like right now. I remember we always hung out we would dance, sing, and have fake parties. Also this year I thought we would be together." I explained. "What!" The girl looked shocked. "No, not like together together. I mean like we would be at my house watching our favorite movies and 16 wishes because you wanted your birthday to be like the movie." "We could of done that but remember you chose Lexy over me!" She said loudly. "I wouldn't necessarily say chose but I mean she's my girlfriend now." "Yeah but you don't have to follow her around and listen to everything she says like you're some type of dog." "I mean Lexy is cheating on you and you're still with her." The girl said throwing up her arms. The song ends I walk over to the stairs and she walks over to Devon.

Tyjai POV

Maybe I went to far I think to myself. I tell Devon what happened and he tells me to give Junior some space but I should apologize.

-time skips

Me and Devon have been dancing for awhile and I catch Junior looking over at us a couple of times. As he walks over to us I ask Devon where the bathroom is to avoid the awkwardness. I find the bathroom, I put in my headphones and call Jake. He is crying.

"Where are you?" I asked. "The cemetery." he said while sobbing.  "Are you okay do you need me to come to you. " I questioned. "No I fine." "How is your birthday?" Jake changed the subject. "Well I'm currently in Lexy's bathroom hiding so... "I pointed out. "Did you say Lexy. "The boys said frightened. "Yeah she's having a party or something and Devon told me to come."I said "You need to leave right now." He said in a serious tone. "Trust me it's not safe." Jake said. "Are you sure you're okay Jake you don't sound fine." "Maybe I should come to you." I say very concerned. "NO!" "Just go home." Tell me why though. "Promise me you'll leave immediately after." Jake said worried. "I promise." "Chucky is alive!" Jake declared. "Hold Jake I see smoke coming from outside the bathroom door."

I open it to see Oliver on the floor and the stairs on fire. I immediately dropped to the floor feeling light headed and I come face to face with Oliver who blood coming out of his mouth. "Jake I think Oliver is dead. I said panicked. Then everything goes black.

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