A Sad Day Indeed

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Tyjai POV

My dad and I got to Junior's house. My dad walked over to Mr. Wheeler sending his condolences. I notice Jake looking at Mrs. Wheeler's photos. I walk up behind him.

"Hey," he jumped. "Hey."  he said startled. "Sorry I scared you." I say laughing a little.

He brings me into a hug. He lets go and I fix my dress. "So how are you feeling?" I asked. "Like everything is falling apart and it's all my fault." "No don't say that its nobodys fault things happened. "But it is." Jake said walking away.

I stand there confused by what he meant. Then I turn back to the table and pick up on of Bree's photos. I get lost in all the good memories we had with each other. A tear slipped from my eye. I really hate crying in front of people.

I sit on the steps and take a deep breath. This was all so much for me to take in. It feels like my mom died all over again. I just sat there and my mind wonders thinking of everything that has happened recently. I snapped back to reality when I see Junior storm out the door.

"Junior!" I called. Getting up and following after him.

"Jake happy now!" Junior yell. "Happy?" he pushes Jake . "You ruined everything! Everyone around you dies. My mom, Devon's mom, your own parents even Tyjai's mom." He listed. "What the fuck Junior?" I spat. "You're a fucking curse. He continued. "Junior!" Lexy yelled. "Stop." She said sadly.

He turn to her, This is none of your business." The angry boy replied. "I'm sorry, but your mom, this is not Jake's fault." Lexy said.

He turns back in the direction of Jake and punches him. "Junior" Mr. Wheeler shouted from a distance. "You all can go to hell!" He pointed at everyone.

I pulled him back to towards the house. "I'm so sorry!" I mouthed. We get to the door and a car pulls up. A mysterious lady gets out. We can't hear what she's saying but she then kisses Mr. Wheeler and leaves.

We finally get back to the house. What was that about? I inquired. "I don't know I've never seen her."he shrugged his shoulders. "No I'm talking about your little outburst." putting emphasis on outburst. "Are you on his side right now?" He yelled. "I'm on my side. What the hell is wrong with you. You just bring up my dead mother to win a "argument". I don't care how mad or sad you are that was really fuck up Junior." I explained. "You had no right to say that to him no matter how much you are hurting. He's been though a lot too." I say starting to tear up because of  how frustrated I am.

Junior leans in and kisses me. "OH my god. You have to stop doing that." I step back. "I'm sorry." the boy uttered. "Are you? I know you are probably not the best mindset right now but just stop ok." "I love you." Junior said with such ease.

I stand there not saying anything back. Stunned by the word that he said.

My dad comes up to us. I turned quickly. "Tyjai are you ready to go?" "Yeah I guess. I pat Junior's shoulder and tell him I'll talk to him later. And we leave.

We get in the car. "Are you okay?" we ask is unison. My dad laughed. "Yes. What about you.?" I'm fine. I'm just gonna miss her." I said sadly. My dad hugs me and starts the car.

The Next Day

I call Jake. "So how is Junior doing?" I ask. "I don't know. He's been in his room all day and he's not going to talk to me. Why don't you just call him?" Jake question. "He not answering. What are you doing today?" I ask. "I was going to see Devon." He answered. "Can I come I feel bad I didn't get a chance to talk to him at the funeral." "Sure why not." He said.

I hung up the phone and get on my bike I get there before Jake so I wait a couple minutes and then he shows up. We went to Devon's room and Jake knocks on the door letting his self in.

"Hey" Jake said. "Sorry your aunt said you were down here so... Jake said.

I walk up to Devon and hug him. "I'm really sorry" I whispered. "You have nothing to be sorry about it was an accident." Devon responded. I let him go. "But I feel so bad. I wasn't even there and I didn't know and-" Devon interrupted me. "Tyjai please don't feel bad. It was an accident." He insisted.  "Do mind giving us a second?" Jake ask. "Yeah. I love you guys!" I waved goodbye. "You too." They both say as I walk out the door.

Jake POV

"I thought we said we weren't gonna" I interrupted him. "I'm not here about Chucky I'm here for you. I'm worried about you." I tell him. "You don't have to worry about me" Devon said. "I'm not going to be around much longer." He said. "What do you mean?" I ask. "I'm only staying with my aunt for like a week. She can't take care of me forever." "Where you going to go." "I don't know." He sighed. "Where all parentless children go, some foster home. I don't know if ill stay in Jersey." He said continuing to pack. "I'm sure that there is some place you can stay you know. Maybe I can ask my uncle maybe Lexy." I suggested. "Jake, I'm scared. I was thinking maybe I should just leave you know. On my own. Then maybe then I get to decide where I go." "You know I said sitting down. I thought about running away. Lots of times after my mom died." I explained. "What stopped you?" He asked. "You." I said in response. "I stayed because I didn't like the idea of not seeing you everyday." "Don't Jake. Just being around you hurts. All I can think about when I see you is what she looked like, lying there." sounding disappointed. "Oh well I maybe I could come back another time" i began to ramble. "No! I'm sorry." He said sympathetic. "I oh yeah it's okay I'll go. I say walking towards the door.

Tyjai POV

I leave figuring that Devon and Jake needed to be alone. I got on my bike and went home. I watched a couple of movies and scrolled through TikTok.

Some time had passed and I decided to cook something I play music and made spaghetti. When I finished I text my dad telling him I made some and continued watching something on Netflix.

I got bored and decided to go to Junior's house. I was considering not going knowing it getting late but I feel like he really needs me. I text my dad i'll be back soon and head to his house. I get to the door and it was left open. I come in closing and locking the door behind me. I call out Juniors name there was no answer. I try one more time. Then I walk up the stairs. I freeze because there is blood everywhere. Junior is on the floor, the doll cover in blood and Mr. Wheeler unconscious. Junior looks up and quickly stands. He looks at me with his eyes wide

"Is. He. Dead.?" I asked. The doll walks toward me. I'm Charles he said with a menacing laugh. I can't help but stand there in complete shock. Then there was a knock at the door.

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