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So basic once Junior and I got back to Hackensack everything went to hell. First there was like a massacre at the theater and Junior got blamed once they found his dad's body in the house. I was his alibi for not being there that night. We had to have a whole trial and some real serious shit. Also got in trouble with my dad and didn't see Junior for 2 and a half months. Didn't mention the part about me killing somebody..... but maybe things will go back to normal or will they

1 year later

The phone rings waking me up. I groan and turn around to grab my phone. It was Jake. I quickly got up changing my whole demeanor.

"Hey Tyjai. How have you been"

"What? How are you doing? Are they treating you okay? Do I have to come over there?" I bombarded him with questions.

Jake chuckles

"What's so funny,  I'm being serious Jake how are you?"

"I'm fine! He drags out. There's nothing you have to worry about."

"You sure because I'll come over there with the quickness just send the address" I assure him

We both laughed.

"Soooo have you talked to Devon at all?" Jake ask

"No have you?" I respond.

"No I think he's mad at me." Jake mention

"Seriously why? Because he doesn't answer my calls either."

"I don't really want to talk about." Jake says

The room began to fill with silence. We could just hear each other breathe on the phone.

"Hey Halloween is coming up so you know what that means?" Jake finally changing the subject.

"What?" I say confused

"Your birthday silly" Jake says

Honestly after what happened last year, I don't think I want to celebrate. I frowned. "Plus I'm still grounded." I shrug

"That's understandable last year was kinda bizarre" You know I'm sorry for getting everyone involved. If I had never bought that damn doll everyone will still be alive." Jake confessed

"Jake, what Chucky did isn't and will never be your fault you have to forgive yourself." I tell him.

" I just wish things could go back to the way they were, you know? I miss seeing you everyday and hanging out. But now I live miles away." Jake began to rant.

As I was about to say something I hear my dad's footsteps coming from the stairs

"Oh shit Jake I got to go my dad's home."

"Okay by-"

I hang up. My dad makes it up to my room door and opens it.

"I'm been thinking a lot lately about how Halloween and your birthday is coming up, maybe it's a good idea if I unground you." Taking a seat on my bed.
How does that sound?" He smiles

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2023 ⏰

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